Behavioral and psychological.

Compare and contrast at least two different radicalization models that explain terrorist motivations. In this research paper also summarize behavioral and psychological factors associated with disengaging from terrorism and describe what efforts or programs are most effective in countering radicalization and why.

Recommended Source: King, M. and Taylor, D. M. (2011). The Radicalization of Homegrown Jihadists: A Review of Theoretical Models and Social Psychological Evidence. Terrorism & Political Violence, 23(4), 602-618. You should start with this article and then use other sources as well to make sure you hit the 8 expected scholarly references for this research paper.

Radicalization models:

  1. Borum’s Pathway
  2. Wiktorowicz’s Theory of Joining Extremist Groups
  3. Moghaddam’s Staircase to Terrorism
  4. NYPD Radicalization Process
  5. Sageman’s Four Prongs Model

All the requirements should be covered above. The format for the references page has to be Author.Date.Title of article.Website. It is nothing crazy. Also, feel free to write about whatever two you’d like and I provided an example essay to reference if you want. If you need anything else let me know! Thanks!

Website from above (If it doesn’t work let me know and I’ll figure something out):

Attached is a sample and a PDF of the recommended source.

Answer preview

conditions experienced by an individual or their social group becomes the primary factor under which the terrorism target is selected. For instance, hatred for non-Muslim triggers the ideological position that attacking noncombatant civilians can be justified for the privileges deprived to Muslims (Ross, 2018, October 24). The immediate action is to vilify and dehumanize the group targeted for illegitimate situation defined to propagate inequality (King, & Taylor, 2011). The fourth stage involves stereotyping and demonizing the enemy to legitimize the violence against them. By branding the target group for the terror attack as evil and responsible for the injustices, violence against them is justified. Justification of terrorism is the climax in the radicalization process. The individuals can use different means to propagate a lone wolf attack or become an active member of the terrorism group.

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