Blockchain supply chain management Application using hyper ledger Fabric.

Blockchain supply chain management Application using hyper ledger Fabric.

im working on a research paper regarding blockchain supply chain seafood management Application. and i want to add a blockchain and hyper ledger background/ methodology part which includes what is blockchain and its component/ architecture , what is hyper ledger fabric , fabric architecture, transaction flow, hyper ledger fabric components. and what i need for my project

if you can relate it to my topic as much as possible. “seafood supply chain management Blockchain application”.

Requirements: 2500 – 3000


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Seafood is one of the most popular commodities around the globe. A fish caught in one part of the world might change hands numerous times and go through various types of processing and packaging before getting to the ultimate destination or consumer, located thousands of miles away. According to Cook and Zealand (2018), due to this phenomenon, seafood supply chains are often complicated and opaque. Cook and Zealand (2018) further point out that information gets maintained in silos by different actors within the supply chain, making it almost impossible to effectively trace a seafood product from where it originated until its eventual destination. In addition, this hidden supply chain ecosystem creates a viable atmosphere

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