British rule over Colonists
Following the 6 year war between England and France, explain how British rule over the colonists became more apparent. Be sure to explain the two taxes imposed by the British, and how this lead to resistance among the colonists. Prior to the American Revolution, explain some of the specific displays of resistance to British rule by the Colonists, as well as to explain the organized efforts by Colonial legislatures that eventually organized the Continental Congress in opposition to British rule.
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Britain wanted to expand its control into the western territories following the war between England and France. These two countries were in competing conflict on who would gain the superior power. During the first years of the war, Britain was not doing well, considering that the French allied with the American Indian natives to strengthen the army. The tables turned when the British got funding to pay recruits in colonies to bolster the British forces.
The British took actions that strengthened their rule, which was apparent in the 1770s when they got a firm army from the American colonies. The government had established several colonies, precisely 13 of them, in North America. However, these colonies did not have the freedom to engage in free trade practices. The colonists relied on Britain to provide essential
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