business law and the legal environment of business

Critical Thinking Case Problem – Torts – Defamation and Invasion of Privacy – Inquiring Minds Want to Know5

Write the answer of the questions of Critical Thinking Case Problem.

BOOK: business law and the legal environment of business

Answer preview

In both torts-defamation and privacy invasion- there are elements of each claim that is shown in the case study evidence (Beatty et al., 2018). In defamation, the elements of a claim can be on the statement, where it can either be spoken, written, gestured or pictured. In this case, there was written and pictured claim. Another element is that the claim was published and this means that the third party had the opportunity to read and see the statement that has caused the defamation. In defamation, the statement must be false and Baba Wawa definitely had published a false statement about the couple. The facts in this case study satisfy these elements of the claim, the statement was written and published and it was a false statement that was made by the interviewer and they caused defamation. In the invasion of privacy, the elements of the claim are on the invasion of solitude which is invading the affairs of another person, like in this case, the interviewer took photos of the couple without consent. Another claim element is false light which is more of defamation in this scenario publication of the information that is misleading though not technically false. The couple can sue both the Star-News and the journalists under these claim elements.(752words)

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