Business Question

Business Question

In this assignment, you are asked to interview a sales manager and summarize what you learned in a paper of at least three pages. Follow the steps below to complete your assignment.

  1. Read the chapter assigned in this unit.
  2. Create four to six questions for your interview. When creating your questions, make sure that you include questions that will cover the following issues:
    1. the difference between management and leadership of a salesforce,
    2. how situational factors affect sales leadership, and
    3. best practices that sales managers can follow to create an effective salesforce.
  3. Find a sales manager to interview. You may be able to find one where you work or through your work colleagues, family, or friends ( e.g., auto dealers, radio and television stations, and newspapers have sales managers). A business you deal with may have a sales manager. Keep in mind that the sales manager you interview does not necessarily have to be local because you can conduct your interview in person, on the phone, or using the Internet (e.g., via e-mail, Skype, FaceTime).
  4. When you conduct your interview, remember to take notes. Be sure to record the name and title of the sales manager and where he or she works. Start your paper by identifying the person you interviewed.
  5. Report on your interview in a paper of at least two pages in length. As you prepare your report, list each question and then the sales manager’s response to the question.
  6. APA formatting is not required for this assignment.

Requirements: Depth

Answer preview

Sales is one of the most important departments in any corporate entity. Organizations enter business operations to make profits. It is essential to have a team of motivated people who form the crucial link between the organization and its targeted consumer base. Profit-making depends on an entity’s capacity to convert its inventory into sales, and this explains why having competent salespeople is vital. However, the sales department cannot thrive solely on the individual merit of the salespeople performing these tasks. Instead, it is essential to create a conducive environment that gives them a proper sense of direction and helps them become more effective. Leadership comes in at this point because influential leaders help in creating more well-coordinated efforts within the workforce. I had the opportunity to interview Mr. Smith Michael. He has more than ten years of experience in sales and currently heads the sales department at Alloy Inc., a medium-sized entity that deals in electronics. This paper reflects on fundamental issues that emerged during an interview with the sales manager at my organization


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