Career Plan
In this final project, you will synthesize what you have learned by developing a career plan to support a client or student’s career development. To complete the project, you will first develop a case study illustrating a fictional client or student with career development needs. You will then apply the Hill and O’Brien (1999) Helping Skills Model to address the needs of this fictional client or student. The Helping Skill Model is outlined in the case study, Darren: The Case of the Unemployed Runaway, located in the Week 10 Learning Resources.
To Prepare:
- Consider the learning resources presented throughout the course. If necessary, for your action plan, review the resume and interviewing resources presented in the Week 11 resources as well. Additional career resources can be found on the Walden University Career Services website (https://academicguides. home). - Access the Hill and O’Brien (1999) Helping Skills Model located in the Week 10 Learning Resources.
- Access the Career Plan template located in the Week 10 Learning Resources.
By Day 7
In 5-7 pages use the Hill and O’Brien (1999) Helping Skills Model to describe the strategies/interventions that you would use to support a client’s/student’s life work plan. The Helping Skills Model is outlined in the case study, Darren: The Case of the Unemployed Runaway. It is located in the Week 10 Learning Resources.
- First, develop a case study to use for this Application Assignment. Do not use “Darren” from the resources. In your case study, you should:
- Briefly describe your client’s/student’s presenting problem or career concern, and
- Relevant sociocultural factors that influence the case.
- Next, following the Hill and O’Brien (1999) model,
- describe the activities that you would engage in at Stage One of your career plan (Exploration, pp. 231–232).
- What techniques would you use to develop rapport, express empathy, and encourage your client/student to “tell his or her story?”
- How would you broach the role of sociocultural factors in your client’s/student’s career story?
- For the second stage, Insight (p. 232), identify the areas that you would focus on to gain a deeper meaning and understanding of your client’s/student’s situation.
- How would you identify his or her interests, abilities, and strengths?
- What career assessments and/or computer-assisted programs might be of use?
- What changes in the world-of-work might be relevant?
- For the Action stage (p. 232), identify
- The plans you would develop
- How you would evaluate them, and
- What follow up activity you would do with your client.
Be sure to include your advocacy statement from your Week 7 Reflection Paper, and how you might advocate with or on behalf of your client or student.
Include anything else that you would like to add to further develop the plan.
Requirements: 5 pages
Answer preview
Work is an important facet of the human experience because it allows people to create mechanisms of fending for themselves and their families. Advancements in the human social organization have led to the emergence of numerous careers that people can use to create wealth. However, conversations geared to define work often overlook the fact that work is something that modern societies start planning for and preparing people for such roles from an early age. In addition to facilitating the complete development of an individual’s capacity, the education sector creates a framework for guiding learners across different stages of learning and choosing the careers that suit their strengths. In this regard, career planning is an important practice in modern society as it allows people to conceptualize what they need to do to achieve their goals. This paper discusses a career plan and indicates the considerations that learners must make when pursuing their desired career path. It provides a case study on an adolescent from a low-income background and then restates the advocacy statement before using the three stages of the Hill and O’Brien (1999) model