
Exhibition Reviews


A ONE-PAGE RESPONSE PAPER (either single- or double-spaced is acceptable for these). Scored will be evaluated on a √+ / √ / √– basis (these scores correspond to A / B / C letter grades)

¶Alan Wallach, Exhibiting Contradiction (1998), pp. 105–17.
¶Exhibition reviews in Time [13 May 1991]; Newsweek [27 May 1991]; Art in America [September 1991], and The Nation [July 1991].
What does the dust-up over the West as American exhibition at the Smithsonian suggests about the extent to which museums should try to offer viewers revisionist history?

Requirements: one page

American Artworks


Select three artworks from the Americas that deal with supernatural beings or gods.

What do you think each tells us about the importance of the supernatural to ancient Americans?

Artistic and intellectual heritage of Classical Greece and Rome


Attached is a document with the images of the artworks

Option 2:

Select three Renaissance artworks that draw on the artistic and intellectual heritage of Classical Greece and Rome.

List of the ways in which they use the Classical past.

History of Art


1. Watch the 2 videos below about the discovery of King Tut’s tomb and of a lesser known King Narmer through artifacts left behind from the ancient world. Identify and describe the different reasons why each king was was considered important and what they accomplished during their rule. Please comment on why you think King Narmer was lesser known and what made King Tut the most famous of all the Egyptian pharaohs.

2. Read from attached pictures ( I have numbered them in the top left cornere)read about the people of the Paleolithic Period and why the invention of pottery is normally associated with Neolithic Cultures. Then watch the video below “Aspects of Archaeology Pottery” and discuss the different things that can be learned from studying these ancient relics of past civilizations.



Write a 3 page research paper including two of the artwork/artist pairs below, ONLY.
Use at least 1 bullet point from each of the 3 Methods of Analysis (see below). Again, not three bullets from the same method.
Your interpretation of the Methods of Analysis MUST be based on the descriptions in Chapter 4, and I will be using those definitions/descriptions when grading your work.
MLA format-…

1000 words or 4 pages max, not including works cited page
You must use a minimum of 2 sources, not including your textbook.
This assignment must be uploaded via Canvas’ assignment repository. Your essay will be verified through Turnitin’s originality checker.
All papers must include a “works cited” page for all sources. Plagiarized work will result in an automatic 0% on the research paper.

Again, plagiarized work will result in an automatic 0% on the research paper.

Gallery artist


First student:

Part 1:

Gallery artist:

Robert Motherwell

The audiences of this kind of art are for everybody who appreciates liberty since his painting represents the harsh conditions which Spanish people lived during Spanish civil war. Therefore, he addresses his work to those people who suffer from violence and persecution. The individual that realize the meaning of Matherwell’s artworks would have to have profound background of tacks of his unique painting. As a result, Robert Motherwell achieved an extraordinary protest art in order to share his imagines with the people who evaluate such a kind of art and who are really lived the renaissance era, so they considered the actual audiences.
Robert Motherwell performed his job based in the actual lives that many people lived during the fascist of Francisco Franco; his artworks depicted the violence terrors and people suffering during that disgraceful period. This relationship is not only represent the past period of dictatorial leader but also represent the everyday humans lived under political authoritarians.

Outside of the Gallery artist:




Please See attachment to for references from the text.

Option 4:

Several artists created multiple self-portraits. Select three self-portraits by the same artist and study them closely.

What are the differences between the three selections?

What was the artist exploring or conveying in each example?
How did this assignment help to reinforce concepts in this chapter of the textbook? (Refer to required readings and supplementary material in your submission and include citations when appropriate.)



First student

My self-portrait is somewhat up close but not so close that all you see is me. I wanted my photo to be this way so you can see the emotion on my face as well as some of the objects nearby. My emotions are somewhat flat or removed. Dealing with a full time job, three college courses, and life can get overwhelming. I feel like sometimes I don’t know who I am anymore among all the stress. I chose to go with a silver tone filter to portray the monotonous routine of life. I’m situated in my cubicle, during my lunch hour working on my homework. In front of me I have my course book, notepad and a pen. These are at my fingertips showing the importance of these objects to try to keep me focused. I’ve got my cup of coffee nearby to keep me alert.

I think my self-portrait is successful. I wanted to show that life gets busy. We all have a lot going on and life isn’t only about the good. We have to work through a lot of stressful situations to find the good in life. With social media these days, it’s easy to have the perception of your friends and family only having these amazing lives because they only want to post happy moments. Life isn’t always happy. Real life is a rollercoaster.

History of popular music


Write an Artist Profile on one of the following artists or songwriting teams:

Carol Kaye- [bass, guitar]

James Jamerson [bass]

Lieber & Stoller [songwriters]

Smokey Robinson [songwriter/producer/performer]

What are the formative influences for this artist? How did they learn their trade and in which kinds of music? If there was a breakthrough moment in their career, when did it occur? Describe this moment. What were the factors in play? Was this artist involved in any major recordings? i.e. songs that are considered “classic” or notable contributions in the history of popular music. Did this artist influence future musicians in the field? If so, who, and briefly describe.

Your assignment should be roughly 1000 words [2 pages singles spaced].

You must provide three online sources for this assignment. Wikipedia is an acceptable place to begin given current conditions, but there are numerous sources of information. I’ve provided some tips for online research on Brightspace. You cannot use quotes of any kind in this assignment. It is to be written in your own words. However, avoid writing in first person unless you wish to express personal opinion at the end of the report. This is acceptable once you have completed the criteria for the assignment. You cannot submit this assignment in point form. One strategy is to create a point form draft in which you answer all of the pertinent questions. Then write the assignment using your draft as a skeleton [I have included a sample version of a point form rough draft and a final draft]. Remember what I said off the top of the class about the difference between a fan and a student. You are a student.

I will post two sample for the assignment, but you CAN NOT copy them, just take a look for reference and format.

Stylistic Analysis


Write an essay around 400-600 words in length for each of the two images posted be the instructor below. Post them together in one file here and at in order to receive credit.

Short essay 1 – Stylistic Analysis (50 points)

DIRECTIONS: For image A, write a short essay discussing this work’s stylistic significance. Be sure to cover the following points in your essay and use and define appropriate class vocabulary. Include an introduction, use complete sentences, and end with a clear conclusion. -Identify the name of the work, artist and period/style -Describe and analyze the stylistic characteristics. -What are the key design features and why were they chosen? -What is the relationship between design and function and context? -Is it a good example of its period/style? Why or why not? -What art historical or architectural terminology can you use when discussing this work?

Short essay 2 – Analysis of context/cultural significance. (50 points)

DIRECTIONS: For image B, write a short essay discussing its cultural significance (its links to context).



Instructions: Read Which Is the Most Influential Work of Art Of the Last 100 Years (Plagens, Peter, Newsweek, 7/2/2007, Vol. 150, Issue 2) and review ‘Picasso and American Art’ (Associated Press, 2006). These resources better explain how artists were influenced and inspired by other artists, social influences and cultures, including Picasso himself while painting “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon”. Write a 1-2 page paper discussing the following topics:

How art was understood, appreciated and shared historically, both by artists and the general public

How the discovery and appreciation of art has changed due to advances in technology

Leadership of Adolf Hitler


The graphic novel Maus by Art Spiegelman is a rich and engaging story. It follows his own parents’ story in Poland during the 1930s, and describes their experiences as the Nazis invaded and persecuted the Jewish population. Spiegelman presents his story in graphic form, portraying his characters as animals. Let’s take a look at a summary and analysis.

Maus takes place during two different periods in time. The present time in Florida frames the story of the past. In the present, Art interacts with his father, Vladek. From these interactions, the story moves to the past as Vladek recounts his experiences as a Jew in German-occupied Poland. The second part of the story describes Vladek’s life in the concentration camps.

Part One: The Present

The story begins with Vladek as a young man in the mid-1930s living in Poland. His friends help set him up with a girl named Anja. Anja lives in Sosnowiec, Poland, and her parents are extremely wealthy.

Vladek makes a good impression and shows that he is self-determined and not afraid of hard work. He becomes somewhat successful in his own right, and Anja’s father loans Vladek money to build his own factory. Vladek and Anja soon marry, and have a son, Richieu. Life is good.

Then the threat of the Germans descends on Poland. Vladek fights for the Polish Army on the front line but is captured and becomes a prisoner of war. Vladek is able to escape and returns to his family. He acquires paperwork from his black market contacts, which, in addition to his wealth, keeps his family safe from capture. Many of their friends and some family members are captured or killed.

His son Richieu had been sent to stay with his aunt, but she poisons him along with her own children to prevent them from being sent to the concentration camps. Vladek and Anja barely manage to stay alive in the ghettos where the Germans confine the Jewish population. Eventually they resort to hiding to prevent capture by the Germans, but are betrayed by one of their own, and Vladek and Anja are captured. They are sent to separate camps at Auschwitz.

Art of versification in poems


1. T. S. Eliot’s proem “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” is consider anarchetypal work of modernist literature. How does this poem show the influence of the free verse of Whitman we read for the previous unit? In what ways do its stylistic inventions go beyond that of Whitman?

2. Discuss Yeats’ poem, “Sailing to Byzantium.” Where is Byzantium and what kind of voyage does he take? What solace does the aging poet find in “monuments of unageing intellect”?

o Requirements: 250 words minimum initial post for each questio

Painting history


react and respond to the video on Matisse and the video on performance art. Use the language, concepts and vocabulary to provide an informed review and opinion of a selected piece of Matisse’s work. Cite it in your review, and provide a couple of paragraphs analyzing it

Henri Matisse: A Master of the Modern Era (58:18)

Video not loading? Watch on YouTube

you don’t have write too much 250-450 words.

Performance artists


his week we are engaged in looking at both past and present – and in this thread, I am asking you to think about the contemporary artist Marina Abramovic – she is one of the most well known performance artists and I will share a few of her performances here. Some students will really appreciate her take on art history issues such as the portrait, the human body, etc – while others are bored, or unimpressed. First, we see her most famous production at the Museum of Modern Art in New York: How does this performance re-imagine the concept of the portrait?

Development of world art


Using at least four artworks analyzed in Unit 2 of this course, identify the aesthetic / artistic / historical connections between each these artworks (as a group) and between each artwork and its unique social/historical context. Use both Western and Non-Western examples.

– Use an underlined Toulmin thesis statement to compose a two-page essay (normal size & spacing) that demonstrates an understanding of the intellectual and historical changes that have taken place in the development of world art[GECC2] during the covered time period in this section of the course. Support your analysis with additional art works analyzed in the course. College-level writing is expected [GECC1].
– To receive credit, each supporting example should be clearly and completely identified with: title, date, artist, culture, & medium. It best to AVOID a chronological approach.

Requirements: 2-3 pages or 1000 words

Quick sketch of the art


For this piece of the Course Project, you will submit your artwork choice along with a quick sketch of the art, your thesis, and outline as a single 1-2 page Word document. This outline will be a guide of how your paper will flow. Part of your grade will be determined by how well you follow this outline.

Once you have identified the work of art you want to write about, do a brief sketch of it. Make notes within the sketch about the elements and principles of design you see, and any other feelings and impressions you have. Take a photo of your sketch, to be turned in with your paper.

You will NOT be graded on your drawing skills for this sketch! This is just a perceptual exercise to help you really see the details of your chosen work of art. The process of sketching helps you see the work on a deeper level and will make the writing process much easier.

After your sketch is completed, begin your outline following the format below.


American Arts


¶Moira Simpson, Making Representations (1996), 215–46.
¶Janet Berlo, and Ruth Phillips, “Our (Museum) World Turned Upside-Down: Re-presenting Native American Arts,” Art Bulletin 72 (March 1995): 6–10.
What are the arguments in favor of and against the demand for museums to return or repatriate cultural property?

Response paper two question:

¶Amanda J. Cobb, “The National Museum of the American Indian as Cultural Sovereignty,” American Quarterly 57:2 (June 2005): 485–506.
¶Reviews of the NMAI in The Washington Post and the New York Times.

Historical painting


The goal of this assignment is to practice your skills at describing the TEXT, CONTEXT, and SUBTEXT of a piece of art of your choice, drawn from one of the genres discussed in the course.

After choosing one artwork from one of the genres we look at (poems, paintings, dance, architecture, or music videos), describe its text and context as fully as you can. That is, describe first the formal, artistic features of the work (the meter of a poem and its choice of words, the colors and subject of a painting, its brushwork, the clothing of the dancers, and energy level of the dancing in a dance, and etc.): the TEXT.

Then move on to describe the historical features that surround the works some detail, including relevant information about the time period the piece was created, information about the artists life and work, as well as relevant info about the history of the subject matter of the works: the CONTEXT.

Finally, offer an interpretation of the piece, analyzing its meaning in light of its TEXT and CONTEXT: the SUBTEXT

This paper (times new roman, 12pt font, 1.5 spacing, should be NO LONGER THAN 4 pages.

Globe Atmospheric Perspective


1- Attached are the following:

a) my painting about the global warming

b) the professor instructions about what should be done in the paper and its presentation (all should be reflected on the attached painting)

2- Some information about my painting:

In my painting, I have applied what I’ve learned in this course. So, I applied the Transparency lesson that appears in my colors when I mixed up the red and yellow that makes orange color seen. Also, in coloring the globe Atmospheric Perspective I apply what I’ve learned in this lesson through manipulation of hue. The value and saturation Color Temperature Warm vs. Cool and this appears in terms of the warm color like yellow and the cool color like blue and green. Finally, Optical Blending’s lesson helped me show my idea of the effects of warming on the earth.

I’ve also shown the names of the lessons (principles) on my painting that show where I applied each concept on the painting

3- The required is:

a) write a paper of 600 words about this painting in which you must reflect each point the professor mentioned on my painting. you must follow the rubric carefully here.

b) Make a PowerPoint slides about it following exactly the professor instructions (attached)

point out to parts you are describing of painting, also write footnote.

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