Fundamentals of Database Systems
Read Chapter 6 from the attached pdf and write a discussion topic on How can the key and foreign key constraints be enforced by the DBMS? Is the enforcement technique you suggest difficult to implement? Can the constraint checks be executed in an efficient manner when updates are applied to the database?
Instructions: Response to the question should be 250-300 words. There must be at least one APA formatted reference (and APA in-text citation) to support the thoughts in the post as needed. Do not use direct quotes, rather rephrase the author’s words and continue to use in-text citations.
Employees and personality testing
After viewing Table 1.1 in the Learning Activity titled “Process of Testing and Selecting,” describe the top three reasons from the table for why employers disqualified candidates. How would the information from Table 1.1 affect what you decide to post on social media sites? Please explain. Do you think this information should influence the decision-making process when hiring? Why or why not? Please provide examples from the reading to support your argument.
Process of Testing and Selecting
In addition to a job interview, you may also include various tests as part of the overall interview process. Read this section and complete the Learning Journal below.
Testing and Selecting
Besides the interview, we can also look at several other aspects that may predict success on the job. If any test is to be criteria for measuring a candidate, this should be communicated to each
Business strategy
Prepare a 7-10-page business analysis that explains the generic business strategies for an organization, analyzes the business strategy used and the company’s business model, analyzes the corporate strategy of the company and the overall corporate structure and management systems, and analyzes the strategic fit between the business and corporate strategies.
AFI, VRIO, and value chain are just three concepts you need to understand as a business strategist. This assessment focuses on these important facets of business analysis.
This portfolio work project will help you differentiate between business strategy and corporate strategy, and analyze the fit of a business strategy to an organization.
Tax research software
Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Finding the Right Tax Software: 2018 Annual Survey of New York State Practitioners (Links to an external site.).
In your reading, you’ve learned about a variety of tax research tools that practitioners may use to research new or complex tax issues. In Exhibit 4 within the article, Finding the Right Tax Software: 2018 Annual Survey of New York State Practitioners (Links to an external site.), the author examines the most popular tax research software from the survey results, including the following:
Business case
Need a business case for this assignment, please select a complex business case and prepare project charter, assumptions log and ppt presentation. Will provide the templates for the above. In the end of the business case please cite the sources as needs to be seen from where the case is been selected.