
Marketing strategy


In a Word document, provide an overview of each of at least 3 courses you selected. Discuss the course objectives, and how you met these objectives through your course work. You should provide specifics as to what you learned in each of the selected courses, and how the knowledge and skills learned are applicable to the workforce. Remember that you are showcasing yourself to a potential employer.

Each course reflective should be approximately 1 page in length (300 words). The total assignment should be approximately 3 pages in length using APA formatting.

BUSS110 Marketing Principles- Marketing Principles is designed to teach students the fundamental marketing terms and concepts used in contemporary marketing. The marketing approach includes defining the market environment, market research, and the marketing mix (4 P’s: product, price, promotion and place). At the conclusion of the course, students will develop and present their marketing plan.

Organizational culture performance


Question Description: Upload a report in MS Word format, 12-pt font, one-inch margins, single space. Upload an Appendix containing any supporting documentation. You can also include all supporting documentation as separate attachments with your submission.

Any instances of plagiarism will result in grade of “0” for the assignment. Any issues with formatting and excessive spelling will result in deductions of up to 10 points. It is acceptable to go over the page limit but please do not write more than 5 pages.

This assignment supports the following course learning objectives (CLOs):
1.Explain how managers shape organizational culture and ethical values.
2.Examine how managers design the organization for the international environment.

Just answer to this 2 questions with sources that related to design organization.
Org. Change Consulting Report
Org. Change Consulting Report
Criteria Ratings Pts

American Auto manufacturers


I hope you remember, I worked with you on the Toyota Motor Corporation Research. Now I want to finish it with you again.

First there are a couple adjustment need to be made:

1-The problem statement should not take that long it should be only 5-6 sentences.

2-The research is A Problem-Solution Analysis and should follow it criteria

3-There should be more profound title to the research.

Please make these adjustments before we continue.

Now we go to the Data Analysis Sections. Take your time on doing this because it the bulk of the research. The data analysis must include multiple of “Source Synthesis” (which I’ll give you an example of it) and multiple of visuals.

Then we go to the conclusion and the abstract. What I want to you to do is work on the data analysis first then when ever its done send it to me then work on the conclusion and the abstract. Also you will have 2 weeks to complete this research. However, I would like to have 3 pages draft SOONEST possible.

I’ll give an example of a completed Problem-Solution Analysis research to refer to if needed. if you have any questions or any request of extra information’s just message me.

Employee engagement


You will read this book and prepare a recorded presentation (VoiceThread) of no more than 15 minutes to share the knowledge gained from your reading of this book (due Lesson 13 or 14).

Your presentation should include the following elements:

A summary of the primary contents of the book

A discussion of why this book is important and how it contributes to the practice of talentmanagement

A critical review of the book—which elements are strong and well supported; which elements areweak, thinly supported, or impractical for HR practitioners; and what you especially liked orappreciated about the book
Your recommendation for how HR business partners and talent management practitioners mayutilize the book’s practical applications
You may use PowerPoint, Prezi, videos, and/or other media to deliver your presentation.

Utilize presentation best practices (e.g., maintain eye contact, avoid reading directly from notes).
Conclude your presentation with several discussion questions to engage the class in aquestion/answer session.

Human Resource Management


Read the case study, “Jenkins Goes Abroad,” (p. 337) in Martocchio, Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management Approach.

Address the following: 150 words

How should Dale approach the determination of the consultants’ salaries as expatriates?

Should Jenkins offer any incentive compensation or additional benefits to the expatriates? Explain your answer.

Case 1: Jenkins Goes Abroad

Jenkins Consulting is a national firm that helps companies improve their performance and effectiveness by advising on all aspects of business management and operations. Companies hire consultants from Jenkins Consulting for a variety of projects such as assisting with company-wide cost reduction initiatives or revenue growth initiatives, improving supply-chain

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