
Trade taxes


Formal Report Project Presentation (8 slides MAX): Due last week of class and final exam period; PowerPoint presentation. 100 points You are required to develop a professional PowerPoint slide presentation (of no more than 10 slides) to accompany a formal 5-6-minute oral presentation on your topic. Formal business dress is required for the presentation (dress as you would for an important interview). It is expected to be a highly professional demonstration of the student’s ability to apply key concepts from the course. The audience for the presentation is the same as the intended audience of the report. Presentations details are listed under the separate assignment on Canvas.


Your Formal Report FINAL draft must include the following sections: Front Matter: Prefatory sections (do NOT count towards page limit; number prefatory pages in lowercase roman numerals, but do not place a number on your cover sheet):A cover sheet (no page number)A letter of transmittal (ii)A table of contents (including a list of figures) (iii)An executive summary (iv)Body sections (7-9 pages single-spaced): these DO count towards page limit, except the referencesIntroductionBackground sectionDiscussion sectionConclusions section Recommendations sectionReferences page End Matter: Additionally, each student will prepare at least an appendix that does NOT count towards the final page range. Appendices should be labeled as Appendix A, Appendix B, and so forth [if needed]. You may number the appendix pages as you please. Appendix: Primary research detailso If using first-hand experience or observationDetails on experience: How many months/years experience do you have? Details on observation: Who did you

knowledge management


This week we focus on the knowledge management cycle noted in Figure 5.3 in the Information Technology and Organizational Learning textbook(Attached). Note the various aspects of knowledge management, continuous innovation, and competitive advantage and how they integrate with one another.

Your response should be 250-300 words. Respond to two postings provided by your classmates.

System transformation


Now that you have learned about systems and system transformation approaches, this week you will write a paper describing what you notice is going on in the human systems in which you participate, what are your responses (thoughts, feelings, actions) to those experiences?

Week 3 Readings and Resources

This week’s readings will help you to understand the concepts of the 5 Cs of organizational change as well as what leverage points can be identified to help systems transform.

Textbook Readings
Designing the Customer-Centric Organization. J. Galbraith. Chapters 3 & 4 (pages 43-86)
The Fifth Element. P. Senge. Chapters 4 & 5
PowerPoint Presentations
5 Cs

Change Strategies

Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System (Links to an external site.): This article helps to explain what leverage points exist within a system (and therefore with an organization) with real-world examples that make it easier to understand the leverage points.

Social Security Administration


Using your knowledge about the organizational theories you gained this week, scan the Government Accountability Office (GAO) Report, “Social Security Administration Field Offices. Reduced Workforce Faces Challenges as Baby Boomers Decline” to find problems that were identified in the U.S. Social Security Administration that can be explained by one or more of the organizational theories we studied this week. Specifically, how can problems you identify in the GAO Report about the Social Security Administration be explained either by the ineffective application of a particular organizational theory or theories or the failure to apply an organizational theory to prevent the problems from developing in the first place? Explain which organizational theory or theories would be most effective in helping to solve the problems, why, and how.

Post an initial entry in which you identify two specific problems (make sure to reference the page/pages in the GAO Report where you identified the problems but do not copy the wording directly from the Report; articulate the problems in your own words); explain how one or more of the organizational theories you learned about this week potentially led to the development of the problems;

Case management clients


Community Resource Exploration Activity

Note: Answers must be factual and relating to the area in question.

An essential role of case managers is that of broker, linking clients to community resources to help meet important needs. It is important to determine what kind of resources are available in your local area to meet the needs of case management clients.

Below you will find several categories of areas that are typically needed with case management clients:

Medical / Healthcare

Mental Health / Counseling

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