Business plan
During the In-Residence you will be presenting a business plan for an innovative venture to a panel of investors. Your final project in this course will go into greater depth on the culture portion of a business such that you will design a plan to encourage an innovative organizational culture in either a new venture or an existing business.
In order to help prepare you for both of these activities, you may need some help in deciding what type of business you would like to start. Read the online Girard article to get your creative juices flowing. You may find the live links within the article useful as well. Try at least one of the suggested exercises.
In your initial post, evaluate the exercise you tried and what came from it. Also, include any initial ideas you have for your innovative venture. In your response to your peers, point out both similar experiences you might have with your peers as well as where you might be different in terms of the types of businesses you’d like to start. Finally, try to both encourage your peers as well as provide them with constructive feedback that will better one another’s initial ideas.
Business communication
Find & Post (or post a link to) an example of business communication (such as a photo, short video, brief piece of writing, news release, song, etc, and that, based upon the aspects of effective communications. Either does a good job or a bad job at doing that. Write a 3 paragraph-long evaluation of the communication, citing why you think it either was or was not effective.
Ethical leaders practice
Assignment 2 Ethics and Leadership (Due Week 3; 20 points)
The purpose of this assignment is to explore and critically present your views about ethics and its role in leadership.
Consider your views, experiences, and readings about ethics. In a paper (4-5 pages, excluding your title page and reference list), discuss the following:
Definition of ethics. Support comments with three or more relevant references.
Provide an overview about the role of and need for ethics in leadership.
Identify the main ethical responsibilities in your professional field and position.
Describe the main ethical challenges posed in your field of work, profession.
Not Met (3-0 points)
Met (4 points)
Executive officers and junior employees
Popular press and media accounts generally suggest that executives are overpaid. For example: the average yearly salary of a CEO of Fortune 500 company in 2018 was $14.5 million. The average yearly salary of a regular worker was $39,888.
Justify why the CEO’s pay is appropriate.
Support your response with specifics.
Requirements: two paragraphs
Mergers and acquisitions
Review Jack Welch’s article “The Six Deadly Sins of Mergers and Acquisitions”
Locate and post a link to an article published in the last 5 years in the The Wall Street Journal, or another reputable source, about a merger that did not go as planned.
Which of these “sins” were committed, what issues arose as a result, and what behaviors could the organization have employed to prevent these errors?