
The Beer Game-Systems Thinking


As you read over the Beer Game in P. Senge’s book, The Fifth Discipline, think of yourself as one of the four positions: retailer, wholesaler, distributor, and factory. After you are done reading, answer these questions:

What position are you?
Did you feel yourself “at the effect” of forces in the system from time to time? (i.e. relatively helpless in the face of huge incoming orders or excess inventories)
Did you find yourself “blaming” the position next to you for your problems?

What do you think the customers were doing?
Is this an example of external events causing problems or the underlying structure of the system

Organizational strategy


For this homework assignment, you will develop a supporting human resource (HR) plan for an organizational strategy. In a paper of three to four pages (750-1000 words) of text, offer your ideas for a promising HR assignment, development plan, and sustainment plan to support the strategy of an organization expanding to open offices in sub-Sahara Africa. Drawing from appropriate sources, develop a scenario that provides the business of the organization, identify how much expansion is taking place, and identify the countries in which the expansion is taking place.

A useful starting point is estimating the total number of relocating employees that can be supported in the host country.
Will the organization need to establish a commissary (for grocery purchases), banking and currency exchange, and limited urgent-care stations?
Should the organization set assignment lengths of one year or two with families? What does research say is the optimal time period?

Tipping Systems in Restaurants


Style: This is an informative paper. The basic idea is for you to give detailed background information about the topic of your choosing, discussing the facts only. Give historical



Select a country (other than the United States) and write an essay about what the SEO landscape is like.

Each essay must meet the following:

History of search within that country (For example, China and Google have a long standing history, the EU has recent changes with GDPR or recent laws)
The main search engines uses within the country
How it is the same as SEO in the US
How it is SEO is different than the US
One big thing SEO professionals should be aware of when entering that country’s SEO market

Minimum of 500 words
Double spaced, size 12 font
Cite all of your sources

Trade taxes


Formal Report Project Presentation (8 slides MAX): Due last week of class and final exam period; PowerPoint presentation. 100 points You are required to develop a professional PowerPoint slide presentation (of no more than 10 slides) to accompany a formal 5-6-minute oral presentation on your topic. Formal business dress is required for the presentation (dress as you would for an important interview). It is expected to be a highly professional demonstration of the student’s ability to apply key concepts from the course. The audience for the presentation is the same as the intended audience of the report. Presentations details are listed under the separate assignment on Canvas.


Your Formal Report FINAL draft must include the following sections: Front Matter: Prefatory sections (do NOT count towards page limit; number prefatory pages in lowercase roman numerals, but do not place a number on your cover sheet):A cover sheet (no page number)A letter of transmittal (ii)A table of contents (including a list of figures) (iii)An executive summary (iv)Body sections (7-9 pages single-spaced): these DO count towards page limit, except the referencesIntroductionBackground sectionDiscussion sectionConclusions section Recommendations sectionReferences page End Matter: Additionally, each student will prepare at least an appendix that does NOT count towards the final page range. Appendices should be labeled as Appendix A, Appendix B, and so forth [if needed]. You may number the appendix pages as you please. Appendix: Primary research detailso If using first-hand experience or observationDetails on experience: How many months/years experience do you have? Details on observation: Who did you

System transformation


Now that you have learned about systems and system transformation approaches, this week you will write a paper describing what you notice is going on in the human systems in which you participate, what are your responses (thoughts, feelings, actions) to those experiences?

Week 3 Readings and Resources

This week’s readings will help you to understand the concepts of the 5 Cs of organizational change as well as what leverage points can be identified to help systems transform.

Textbook Readings
Designing the Customer-Centric Organization. J. Galbraith. Chapters 3 & 4 (pages 43-86)
The Fifth Element. P. Senge. Chapters 4 & 5
PowerPoint Presentations
5 Cs

Change Strategies

Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System (Links to an external site.): This article helps to explain what leverage points exist within a system (and therefore with an organization) with real-world examples that make it easier to understand the leverage points.

Chinese Consumer manufacturers


Review the corporate strategy of AB Electrolux.

As the social and demographic trends continue to evolve so do the opportunities afforded to Electrolux. The most significant demographic shift globally is the growing middle class in Asia, which includes families with incomes between US$6,000 and US$30,000. It is estimated that by 2030 there will be 3 billion more people in the global middle class than there were in 2013.(Ernst & Young, 2013)

Correlated with rising incomes worldwide, homeownership has also increased at a substantial rate giving rise to increased demand for consumer durables such as refrigerators, washing machines, and dishwashers. (Electrolux, 2013)

Electrolux (2013) Electrolux 2013 Annual Report.…

Ernst & Young (2013) Hitting the sweet spot. (Attached pdf)

Company competitive


Imagine you own or manage a company. Your company recently completed a strengths, weaknesses, opportunites, and threats (SWOT) analysis, and the board of directors is looking to revise the company’s compensation program. Doing so will help keep the company competitive in attracting new talent. As part of the human resources department, you were asked to draft an essay describing how compensation programs are developed and how laws can affect compensation practices.

Your essay should be a minimum of two pages in length, using at least your textbook as a source. Be sure that your essay includes the following elements:

In your introduction, create a fictitious name for your company, and include some basic background information such as where the company is located, when it was founded, and how many employees work at the company. Do not use an actual company for this essay.
Describe issues that influence an individual’s decision to apply for or accept a specific job at your company.

Health care facilities


Please write a 5-7 page case study analysis paper with Title Page and at least three (3) scholarly references in APA format. In addition a one page Executive Summary is required.

Case Study Analysis: Akron Children’s Hospital

Prepare, with the help of the case study written rubric in the classroom. Case Video and Written Cases are available on website:

There is no need to answer questions in part one and two, those are just a guide how to approach the writing of case study analysis.
Please discuss the new ideas and proposals for increasing the occupancy of the hospital beds, by applying new ways of marketing (social media), associations with local medical offices (family and pediatricians). open house invitations etc…sky is the limit!



Write at least one page about E-business. If you can write about what it is and write about the different parts of e business and anything about it. Must use APA citations. Example would be (Author last name, year of the article). Must also make a reference page that is APA style as well. It can be longer than a page but a page is the minimum.

Make sure to proofread your work thoroughly.

Features of E-Business

E-business does not have geographical boundaries for conducting business processes. Business is done on a worldwide phenomenon. Moreover, setting up an e-business is easy and straightforward. Business activities



Include a brief description of the organization and industry. How large is this organization, in terms of employees? Revenues? Market share? Is the company international, local, where does it operate? Hit the factual highlights here. Sources are to be cited and included at the end in a Works Cited section.


Here you are only describing the business strategy; if multiple, identify that but focus on the one that affects the job you selected for this projected. More on that is in the job section, coming up.


Use Table 2-1 in chapter 2 to guide your content here.




Guidelines for Submission: Your total rewards analysis paper must be 8–12 pages in length (plus a cover page and references list) and must be written in APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Include at least seven academic references. The presentation must consist of 5–10 slides with adequate speaker notes explaining each slide’s content. Use a product such as PowerPoint or Prezi to create your presentation. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

Information system management


I need 50 annotated references for the below topic 80-100words each

Topic: Barriers to Network Administration in Small Businesses

Research questions:

What is information system capabilities and what are the barriers to network administration in small businesses?

How can firms enhance their information system management?

nope make sure the references are related to the topic

Consumer behavior


Unit 1: What is Consumer Behavior – Discussion Board 2

Deliverable Length: 600 words + minimum of 2 references

Assignment Description:

All people are influenced, including you. People sometimes buy things because they want them rather than because they need them. Sometimes, they only want things because others have them. Consumers’ buying behaviors are often affected by social, cultural, and group influences. Consider a product or service that you bought recently.

Identify the product or service, then answer the following questions:

Why did you purchase the product or service?
Were you were influenced by a cultural trend, or did you covet a friend’s purchase?
What is 1 social influence that could prompt you to buy a different product or service in the future?
Based on your purchase, what is 1 social, group, or anthropological perspective that applies to your purchasing decision?

Assignment Objectives:

Information Governance strategies


Information Governance

Read the Information Governance Initiative (I am attaching this) within various organizational strategies and respond to the following questions:

What is Information Governance?

How do Information Governance strategies impact accountability and compliance? Give specific examples from the five Information Governance organization examples provided in the reading.
What are some of the design strategies used in implementing an information governance plan? What are the challenges associated with these strategies?
How would you incorporate Information Governance topics into your IT Information Management plan?

Analytics and Business Intelligence

Go to SalesForce website (Links to an external site.) and review the Analytics and Business Intelligence tools. Explain how each of the apps you selected could help identify or address the following:

Trends and Issues
Market Demands
Competitive Advantages
Potential Constraints or Concerns

Customer Lifetime Value

Cite all of your sources using current APA format.


MGMT 422 1.3 Module Review Rubric

MGMT 422 1.3 Module Review Rubric

Visa Inc strategy


a) Summarize the business of Visa Inc. and identify the strategy it is pursuing. Consider relevant competitive forces and use SWOT Analysis to analyze the company. Identify, describe and evaluate the key strategic risks(2-3 risks) the company is facing as well as their potential upside/downside implications.

(b) Recommend approaches to mitigate the risks you identified. Identify one strategic risk that is common to both companies. (Mastercard and Visa) Contrast the different ways both companies address this risk.

(c) Determine which company’s strategy is more likely to be successful, and state the rationale for your decision.

(d) Based on your overall assessment in this memo, focusing on the strategy and the strategic risk posture

Hotel Industry and Gaming Entertainment


You are required to answer the following questions. You should save your answers in a Word document for submission. Please do not repeat the questions on your answer sheet. Instead, please list the answers numerically/sequentially by simply utilizing 1, 2, 3, and 4. Each assignment must have a cover page listing your name, the name of the assignment, and the date. The cover page does not count towards the word count. For each assignment, you are expected to answer the assigned questions in your own words. Each assignment paper should be at least 250 words. Papers less than the required 250 words will get zero. This does not mean each question requires a 250-word response; rather, the total number of words for answering the questions must total more than 250 words.

1. Explain the attraction of gaming entertainment to the destination of a tourist.

Hospitality and Tourism during COVID-19


This essay needs to be 6 pages. You are responsible for conducting an interview with someone who has a management or ownership role within a hospitality/tourism business in order to learn more about how the business has been impacted by the pandemic, how it has responded, and what it is expecting and planning for the future. You can improvise the interview. The assignment also requires that you critique the business’s past and future actions as you explain what you believe they have done well and what could be done better. I have attached the directions to the assignment.

please make sure to readier the document I attached. It has everything you need to know on it.

HTMT 210, Fall 2020Dr. Daniel GuttentagEssay: Hospitality and Tourism during COVID-19 Key info•25% of final grade•To be completed individually •Roughly 6 pages (double-spaced)•Due date: Sunday, November 22 at 11:59pm•Submit in Word or PDF format (not .pages) via OAKS•Late assignments will be deducted 10% per day•Essays may be checked with plagiarism detection software (e.g., Turnitin, WCopyfind)Assignment overviewThe COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically impacted the hospitality and tourism sector, and every business within this sector has been forced to adapt to the realities of the ongoing pandemic. To better

The Growth Mindset in Business Leaders


I need the writer to use Mindset book by Carol Dweck

Also, I provide you the Articles that you need to use for Oprah Winfrey,

The first time you use a source, you must state author name, who author is, article/book title as the context for the quote!

Add in a Dweck quote sandwich into 2 of the body paragraphs

Please don’t use any other sources.


Hook, talk about hook, relate to business leader

Background information on Business leader [quote and or paraphrase]
Background on Dweck’s text Mindset
Thesis – 3 character traits led to leader’s success / lack of success

II.Body Paragraph 1 – TOPIC – Character trait #1

Transition + Topic Sentence
Transition Main Point 1, quote, explanation

Transition Main Point 2 quote, explanation

Transition Main Point 3, quote, explanation

III.Body Paragraph 2 – Character trait #2

Transition + Topic Sentence
Transition Main Point 1, quote, explanation

Transition Main Point 2, quote, explanation
Transition Main Point 3, quote, explanation



Explore the following website: Explain if benchmarks are being met, how do you know. Explain why benchmarking is important in evaluation.

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