Communication Journal.
Fennell, V. (2014). Communication & Global Power Shifts| A Tale of Two Obits: Reading the Cold War Through the Obituaries of W.E.B. Dubois and Chairman Mao Tse-tung. International Journal Of Communication, 8, 18.
Communication Journal.
Fennell, V. (2014). Communication & Global Power Shifts| A Tale of Two Obits: Reading the Cold War Through the Obituaries of W.E.B. Dubois and Chairman Mao Tse-tung. International Journal Of Communication, 8, 18.
Conversation meter.
Select a conversation where you had a disagreement that had an impact on you and triggered a bioreaction. The conversation could have been a long time ago or recently.
Proficient status.
What is your opinion about the email exchange between Professor Sharma, Meeta Sing and Kumar? Who was right and who was wrong?
Write: an analytical response in which you compare the lesson (or, at least, what you consider the “takeaway”) of Saunders piece to our current cultural moment. Make connections between what you see and hear on a day to day