Long-term care facilities
You are a health systems analyst with MegaHealth. You currently operate a nursing home that falls under the Hill Bruton law. After seeing a news report on the aging of Americans, the board chair has expressed an interest in opening long-term care facilities in Oregon, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. The vice president for planning has asked you for background information on:
Hill Burton requirements for your nursing home,
Certificate of Need (CON) requirements for long-term care for each of the states listed.
Research the Hill Burton law and Certificate of Need laws. Prepare a 10-12 page paper in APA 7th format, including an introduction, conclusion, and a minimum of eight (8) scholarly peer reviewed references in the past 5 years. Include the following in the paper with a heading for each section. Discuss the following content.
Hill Burton law requirements including a federal statute and any regulations
Discussion of the pros and cons of the Hill Burton law and whether it continues to be needed. Include
Electronic medical record
1.Create an argument for or against the government’s role in electronic medical record (EMR) standards. Justify your argument with at least two reasonable pieces of evidence for government intervention by referencing specific, recent, and relevant examples in relation to this week’s videos.
2.Describe three national infrastructures that require interoperability between all hospitals in the United States. Suggest two ways that the use of an integrated delivery system improves the quality of patient services. Justify your response in relation to this week’s videos.
Health care financing
Interview a nurse manager to explore the external factors that influence decision making such as health policy, regulatory requirements, accreditation, and health care financing.
– Provide an overview of the role of the nurse manager interviewed. Summarize the information from the interview (do not report the interview question by question)
-Perceptions related to impact on health policy on decision. Perceptions related to impact of regulatory agencies on decision making. Perceptions related to impact of health care financing on decision making.
-Analysis of the interview supported by the literature.
The paper is to be clear and concise and use proper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.
The paper is to be no shorter than 4 pages; nor longer than 5 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.
Herbal supplements
The practice of using herbal supplements dates back thousands of years. Today, there is a renewal in the use of herbal supplements among American consumers. However, herbal supplements are not for everyone. In fact, some herbal products may cause problems for people treatments for chronic ailments. Because they are not subject to scrutiny by the FDA or other governing agencies, the use of herbal supplements is controversial.
Herbal supplements are products made from plants for use in the treatment and management of certain diseases and medical conditions. Many prescription drugs and over-the-counter medicines are also made from plant derivatives. These products contain only purified ingredients and, unlike herbal supplements, are closely regulated by the FDA. Herbal supplements may contain entire plants or plant parts. Herbal supplements come in all forms: dried, chopped, powdered, capsule, or liquid, and can be used in various ways.
Medicare and Medicaid patients
You are the Vice President for Network Operations of Regnat Populus Health System, comprised of three hospitals and two clinics. The system is located in “the Delta,” the most rural parts of Arkansas. You want to inform the In-House Counsel (Attorney) and the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) about the value of telehealth. Prepare a short slide presentation, not to exceed 10 slides including the title slide, detailed notes and references slide.
Describe the Medicare and Medicaid populations serviced by the hospitals and clinics. Indicate how they will benefit from telehealth.
Find the laws of the state of Arkansas that pertain to telehealth. How will these laws impact your ability to implement telehealth services across the health system and clinics?