mystery of language
For this assignment, let’s examine how these three narratives are in conversation with each other.
In the text entry (Links to an external site.), answer the question below in a paragraph. Be thoughtful with your response and be sure to explain how all are collectively answering the question. Your response should avoid using incomplete sentences or sparse answers, for they will result in partial credit.
Cases of racism
This week’s Essay will be discussing the implications of discrimination and racism as ethical issues in research.
Step 1 – watch the following 2 links:
Henrietta Lacks, the Tuskegee Experiment, and Ethical Data Collection: Crash Course Statistics #12
The immortal cells of Henrietta Lacks – Robin Bulleri (Links to an external site.)
Subject of cryptography
1) Analyze how cryptography was used and describe how it grew within history.
2) List seven questions or things you don’t know about cryptography. For each question you list, indicate why it might be important to know the answer.
3) Describe situations in your life when you might need to use encryption or secret codes.
4) How important would it be to have enough understanding of the subject of cryptography to assess the strength of the code you used?
This report will be proofread in SafeAssign and we have zero tolerance for plagiarism.
Forensic science
Prepare a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper on your perception and concept of forensic science in 21st-century criminal justice.
Include a discussion of the following questions:
How important is forensic science to policing and criminal investigations, court processes, and security efforts at various levels? Explain your rationale in a historical approach.
How accurate is the popular media representation of forensic science? How does this influence popular opinion on justice-related issues?
What possible influence does the “CSI” effect have on the judicial process?
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Please cite at least three different non-classroom peer reviewed literature references in the body of this report. Regarding Academic Resources, University of Phoenix Policy states: “Coursework must uphold the high standards of academic integrity
Trading with the Aliens
the listing of references/sources is NOT expected or required, and you should not quote any outside materials.
Aliens from another planet want to visit the Earth in order to trade for some of our unique cultural products. Their homeworld prizes beer and and sorghum-based alcohol, so the aliens arrange for one space shuttle to visit San Marcos, California and another space shuttle to visit Maotai, China. The team of aliens on board each of the spaceships has spent years in space mastering the local language and cultural traditions for their respective destinations.
The aliens are planning to land in San Marcos and Maotai tomorrow. Unfortunately, their space shuttles unexpectedly crash into a Tesla Roadster outside of Earth’s orbit, which their advanced telescopes had not previously detected as a risk. As a result, the two shuttles are forced to swap their landing approaches, with the China- trained team sent to San Marcos, California and the U.S.-trained team sent to Maotai, China.