Dropping the Bomb
Question Description: Since 1945, Americans have been debating the necessity of dropping the atomic bombs on Japan. Some historians argue that dropping the bombs ended the war, saved American and Japanese lives, and avoided an invasion of Japan. Other historians believe Japan would likely have surrendered without the use of the bombs.
After reading the text and viewing the materials provided, answer the following questions in your post:
Of all the options facing the United States, which one should Truman have pursued? Was the United States justified in dropping the bombs on Japan? Why or why not? Did the United States fully understand the weapons before using them? Fully explain your answers. Address the questions asked in the paragraph above in at least a 300-word post and cite all outside sources appropriately
Historical Comparison of Major Events
According to the quote of philosopher George Santayana, “Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” That phrase is not only popular and catchy, but also true.
Assignment: In one paper, compare a historical topic or event that occurred between 1876-1990, to a current topic or event in our society. The content of your paper should address the following: economics, politics, social, and diplomacy (if applicable). Include the similarities and differences of each topic in your paper.
Example: Compare the United States involvement in the Vietnam War in the 1960s and 1970s to the United States involvement in Afghanistan today.
Historical information
Your research paper will be based on a significant research question with sections for the background, data, and analysis around the paper’s topic.
Research papers will be about 4,000-5,000 words. Altogether your paper will be about 20 pages, double spaced, including a cover page, body of text, tables, maps, figures, references, and any footnotes.
Written work is graded with attention to depth, breadth, clarity, creativity, and examples. In other words, given the parameters of written assignments, write with attention to appropriate depth of ideas for your topic, with choosing appropriate breadth of points you can cover, and write with clarity of thought and grammar. Your writings should always aim for some lively creativity and showcase examples to highlight your topic or main points. Avoid unnecessary wordiness and spoken idioms!
Essays can be organized around an key research question or, alternatively, they may be organized around a falsifiable argument. These are common strategies as in “In this essay, I argue that…, However, you do not need to present your essay as a key question or argument if your topic is better presented in another format.
Social and gender roles
These documents offer an important reminder that America’s population (like its history) has never been just black and white, but rather a much more diverse group. Drawing on the documents about Cherokee removal, the contract for a Chinese prostitute, and the Sarah Winnemucca piece, explore the differences that you see between the experiences of white and non-white women in the West. What insight do these readings provide into the ways that race and gender intersect? How do these documents change your understanding of westward expansion?
This must be 2-3 pages long.