
The Civil War and Reconstruction


Describe the consequences of the Civil for the North, South, and freed enslaved people. How do you think Reconstruction changed each group’s circumstances? Why? Your response should be 300-350 words. Video 1, Video 2, Video 3, Video 4

Requirements: 300-350 words



First, watch the videos and read the texts regarding the works of art representing women by Fragonard and Kauffman:

Fragonard, The Swing

Angelica Kauffman, Cornelia Presents Her Children

Then, use the comparison images to compare and contrast Fragonard’s “The Swing” and Kauffman’s “Cornelia Presenting Her Children.” Write a 200-250 word essay that considers the following questions in your response:

State of women in art


Read Linda Nochlin’s article “Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?” in a careful and thorough manner.

As you read Nochlin’s Essay, consider these questions:

What are some specific structural barriers that prohibited women from becoming artists before the contemporary era?

What are some reasons that Nochlin gives that explain why a few women were able to circumvent the patriarchy to become professional artists?

What are some notions and ideas that have privileged men as artists?

Write a 2-3 page (600-750 words) paper that considers the three questions listed above. Take care to include a thesis statement, or argument, in the introduction. Your thesis does not have to be limited to a single sentence, and should include some of the thoughts you have pertaining to the prompt questions. Use the introduction to state the thesis (argument) that you will defend in the body paragraphs. This needs to be a very well thought, detailed, and well-written essay.

Male-dominated society


Using Thesis-Antithesis-Synthesis (TAS) as a structure, write a 5-7 page paper:
Comparing the innovation and impact of Ibsen’s A Doll’s House to a previous work or movement from what you know from taking Part 1 of this History of Theatre course.


Using historical source material make a clear statement about the history of the environment from which Ibsen’s play arose and prove with cited evidence whether it reflected or confronted that world.

Papers need to be fully proofread, devoid of all spelling or grammatical errors, titled, and written to MLA specifications. There should be a bibliography of primary sources. Wikipedia and the like are not allowable sources but can be used to lead you to primary sources.

History of civilizations and empires


The midterm exam will consist of one essay question based on a prompt. The essay will require you to draw from the reading materials assigned in class as well as lectures, audio-visual materials, reader responses, and class discussions. Your essay should consist of a minimum of four (4) readings already covererd in class. This essay is designed to probe the student’s knowledge of the different concepts and themes discussed in class. Essay will be assessed on organization, the accuracy and breadth of the information given, critical thinking ability, the cogency of the argumentation, and the ability to use APA documentation style. Please watch this video for specific details ron completing this exam.

Compose your file with Microsoft Word and submit it through this link.

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