Chinese culture and gender identity
I would need this paper to be done by Friday evening. All the ideas in this paper must 100% be coming from you and cannot be from the internet or any other sources. This paper must be your ideas and your words only from the beginning to the end. The instructor is very strict and has been teaching this class over 25 years and knows what’s out there. Please be extremely careful. I would need this paper and the upcoming papers to be something that she has never seen or heard before.
Write a 1000-word (roughly four page) paper in MLA or APA style on a topic of your choosing dealing with the Plautus.
Focusing on one topic and exploring it in detail.
Major ideas need to be backed up with direct quotations from the plays:
Miles Gloriosus (The Braggart Soldier)
Menaechmi (The Brothers Menaechmus)
Mostellaria (The Haunted House)
The paper should be a formal essay with an introduction culminating in a thesis statement, a body, and a conclusion. All sources, including primary texts, must be cited in the text and on the appended bibliography in your chosen style.
Submit the finished paper in .DOCX format (i.e., Word format) below. Papers submitted in other formats will not be graded.
Here are sample papers you can use as models for structure,
Myth and gender roles
There is one discussion topic you will need to participate in this week. Select the button below to access the thread. When posting, keep the following in mind:
Remember to review the Discussion Requirements.
Keep in mind UMGC’s Code of Civility for all communications in this course.
Week 4: Gender and the Archetypes Discussion
Part A: Scavenger Hunt – Common Archetypes
Choose three of the common archetypes (fathers, goddesses of life, wise figures, hero/heroine, the other) in the Learning Resources and identify a character from film, literature, art, television, video games etc., that you think is a good representation of each.
California Genocide
ESSAY QUESTIONSPlease answer one of the two following essay questions. Please answer only one of these two questions. You do not need footnotes in this essay. However, you are welcome to use quotations from the assigned books and film. Your essay should be no more than six pages long, including a cover sheet. The essay will be worth fifty points, or half of the total exam. Please answer one of the two following essay questions:
1.What role did the California state legislature play in the California genocide of 1846-1873 and what were the consequences?
Natural phenomena
At this point you will combine the work you have done in Stages 1 and 2 into a complete paper offering an interpretation of the myth you chose.
Write a 1000–1250 word essay that includes the following:
A brief summary of the myth
A description of the cultural context of the myth
A description of the archetypes seen in this myth and an explanation of how they can apply to nonmaterial culture (beliefs, values, norms, or customs and traditions, etc.) and gender or societal roles in the myth’s culture
An analysis of the meaning of the myth in that culture that uses a theoretical approach to shows how the myth relates to specific element(s) of nonmaterial culture in terms of the moral, political, social, economic, scientific, or proto-scientific message it contains