The first coronavirus outbreak
In a 10 page paper, address the Cover-19 pandemic facing Florida today. Define the problem and possible solutions related to this issue using theories, principles and concepts from chapters 1-7 in your textbook. check the syllaubus for requirements for paper
Use a minimum of 10 research resource (use footnotes)
Typed in a MS Word document
Your paper should be double spaced
Use 12 point font
Apply MLA format
You may include charts, maps, etc… they must be placed in an appendix at the end of the paper – not part of the 10 pages of content.
The colonialist imperialist implications
Choose from one of these three options (which can include sub-options as well) and submit to the portal by the due date.
FORMAT: 3-5 pages (min. 1500 word count), 1” margins, double-spaced, 10/12 pt. type; cover page if you wish. Use at least two outside sources (cited). MLA format preferred for any quotes (see syllabus). You must use one of the approved file types: pdf,txt,rtf,doc,docx – no Google docs, etc.
HAMLET options
William Shakespeare, Hamlet (1600)
In a brief essay, address one of the following prompts:
Discuss the concept and use of irony (reversal of expectations) as it occurs in the play: verbal, situational, and dramatic. Give at least three examples, whether from dialogue, action, or characterization.
Discuss how the play uses the medieval convention of the Revenge Play to develop complex characters who reflect a much truer image of human nature than the perfect heroes and heroines of such theatrical models.
Human development
Each of the movies listed below presents a historical event/person relating to enslavement during the Antebellum period. This assignment asks you to consider the ways one of these movies modify historical events to fit Hollywood’s dramatic standards. You also need to know what is accurate and what is not accurate in the movie. Read about slavery in your textbook, and find at least two additional relevant scholarly sources. Make sure your additional sources are specific to the aspect of slavery presented in the movie.
Then write an essay analyzing the differences between history and the movie. Make sure to answer the following questions:
1) In what ways did the movie get the Hollywood treatment? What was changed? What was left out? Use specifics – scenes, characters, events.
Colonialism and imperialism
In what manner or ways has colonialism and imperialism influenced nationalism in non-European states. E.g can focus on Africa or asia or both.
Times new roman 12 pt font. 3 page minimum double spaced.
possible ideas for two out of three body paragraphs
1) Self-determination:
2) colonialism caused Ethic nationalism particularly in Africa after European powers left.
In what manner or ways has colonialism and imperialism influenced nationalism in non-European states. E.g can focus on Africa or asia or both.
Times new roman 12 pt font. 3 page minimum double spaced.
possible ideas for two out of three body paragraphs
1) Self-determination:
2) colonialism caused Ethic nationalism particularly in Africa after European powers left.
In what manner or ways has colonialism and imperialism influenced nationalism in non-European states. E.g can focus on Africa or asia or both.
Times new roman 12 pt font. 3 page minimum double spaced.
possible ideas for two out of three body paragraphs
1) Self-determination:
2) colonialism caused Ethic nationalism particularly in Africa after European powers left.
In what manner or ways has colonialism and imperialism influenced nationalism in non-European states. E.g can focus on Africa or asia or both.
Times new roman 12 pt font. 3 page minimum double spaced.
possible ideas for two out of three body paragraphs
1) Self-determination:
2) colonialism caused Ethic nationalism particularly in Africa
The Controversy Surrounding Abortion
Writing Question
Format MLA-double spaced. 5 to six pages with detailed outline. The essay must include 5 appropriate Academic researches about the topic.
You must include
an arguable (debatable) claim (thesis)
evidence (reasons) to support your claim (body)
The amount of evidence you need is the amount that best supports your argument.
Many of you are used to the idea of THREE reasons to support your thesis, with one body paragraph of each reason. I want to encourage you to think differently about that for this essay. Instead, I want you to focus on the evidence that is the strongest and most relevant support for your thesis, whether it is two reasons or five. The same idea applies to the number of paragraphs for your evidence. One reason might need two or three paragraphs. One may be perfectly fine. Focus on what you have to say and not the traditional structure of an essay.