Colonialism and imperialism

In what manner or ways has colonialism and imperialism influenced nationalism in non-European states. E.g can focus on Africa or asia or both.

Times new roman 12 pt font. 3 page minimum double spaced.

possible ideas for two out of three body paragraphs

1) Self-determination:

2) colonialism caused Ethic nationalism particularly in Africa after European powers left.




Requirements:   |   .doc file | MLA | Essay | 3 pages, Double spaced

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flag. Therefore, these imbalances engendered widespread inequalities in terms of development and social and political progressivism, resulting in political. For distance, the fusion of people in the northern and southern communities essentially led to a widening of economic disparities, causing the perpetual conflict between the northern and southern sides.   A similar scenario plays out in other countries like Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda, Angola, Mozambique, to mention a few (Bello, 87). Africa ethnic nationalism goes beyond the colonialism era and still remains active in most African societies. This type of nationalism has derailed democracy in these countries, creating ethnic discrimination, parochialism, idiosyncrasies, and domination of one or more ethnic nationalities over other minority societies. Therefore, this enmeshment in the African territory has led to mushrooming militant or ethnic militia groups or civil and inter-clan conflicts.

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Colonialism and imperialism
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