Communication skills.
Read the articles and write a short paper (370-400 words) on what you find interesting from at least two of these three articles and then connect at least one of these stories with something you have experienced in real life or something you have heard in the past.
Self-interest strategies.
Based on your reading of Henkin’s article on the Iran-contra scandal, “The Constitution for its Third Century: Foreign Affairs,” do you agree that Congress should not have the ability to steer foreign affairs by withholding appropriations? Why or why not?
The imperialistic nature of America.
Minimum requirements: Citations are not needed, but if citations they are used, they must be in text and a separate reference page at the end of the paper must all be in APA style. An acceptable range is between 3-4 pages
Conflict Style Assessment.
In any particular conflict, the actions and reactions of the parties involved contribute to the likelihood that a resolution will quickly occur. Some individuals prefer to ignore a situation as long as possible in the hopes that it will simply resolve itself. Others might have short fuses and explode
The Zoot Suit Documentary.
The rebellious nature and his vulnerability appear to be the main weaknesses of El Pachuco in the play. He is vulnerable to the actions of others in the sense he is pressurized by Henry in various directions.