Community policing and statistics.
Write an Intelligence Briefing on a topic related to policing/crime/ intelligence in KSA following the rubric and be sure to be similer format.
Law and Code of Ethics.
This week, you looked at the provider and patient rights. The assignment this week gives you a chance to look at a state law that provides the right for patients to die with dignity and compare the patient’s right with the ethical duty of physicians set forth in the AMA’s Code of Ethics.
Cases of homicide.
Please think of a research question that you would like to study that you could study using random sampling. What is your question, and how would you go about sampling randomly for this type of study?
.propriety of abortion.
Format MLA-double spaced. 5 to six pages with detailed outline. The essay must include 5 appropriate Academic researches about the topic.
Drug offenses.
The effect of marijuana legalization (on crime, health, cost to society, etc. LOTS of new research)