
A confederacy of dunces


What happens to Lena in jail?

What happens to Darlene?
What happens to Jones?

What happens to Mancuso?
Who is waiting at the Reilly home when they get back there?

Who takes the blame for the letter?
What is ig’s middle name?

What does Mrs. Reilly decide to do with her son?
Why does she decide to do it?
What plans do Santa and Irene have for Claude?


Freedom and Confinement


For this paper, you will write 3-5 pages about a text that we have read this semester. Identify a theme from the text, and analyze how the author expresses that theme through various methods, such as character, setting, structure, diction, imagery, point of view, etc.

Your paper should develop an argument, have an arguable thesis statement, and be supported by evidence from the text through summary, paraphrase, and direct quotes. You must use in-text citations and include a work-cited sheet.

While you are allowed to bring in outside sources, the majority of your text should be focused on YOUR analysis. All analysis and ideas should be yours. Outside sources would mostly be used to reference historical context, explain an allusion, or for context about the author.

Your paper should be in MLA format (double-spaced, 12 pt. font, 1-inch margins, Time New Roman font) and include a header, title, and page numbers.

Hamlet in Shakespeare


shakespears tragedy : Hamlet Act 7 pages essay ( Hamlet’s spirtuality )

Please check the table of content and send me the chapters you need for this assignment

Please follow the guideline for the paper (I will attach it) + please follow the reading acts and writing guidelines for hamlet.

+ please You need access to this book : The Bedford Companion to SHAKESPEARE an introduction with documents( second edition ) , if you can’t access this book or you don’t have it, I will send you the picture of the first page ( content with chapter names ) and you choose 2 chapters so I can take pictures of the pages and send it to you asap )

Operational Impacts of Li-Fi Technology



This is the place where you will put the abstract. The abstract must summarize the whole report starting with the purpose of the report, what are the major issues, what is the key solution. The abstract must cover the whole report and be providing a summary of the report to the reader. The reader should be able to understand the report just by reading the abstract. Use (100 to 150 words). Don’t use bullet points. Don’t have many paragraphs.

(Keywords—identify and put 4 to 5 keywords about this topic)

1. Introduction (Heading 1):

The purpose of introduction is to introduce the topic to the reader and express the need for this study. Your writing must convince the reader to read the full report. Keep in mind that the reader has no idea of what you are going to write or what you wrote. He /she is going to understand the topic only by reading your introduction.

Please mention the organization of the report. Means, what is in the next section? It should show the flow of the report.

You may ((use 200 to 250 words)) for this purpose in two or three paragraphs.


This section should be used to collect data and research finding from the literature. You need to collect from academically accepted sources and avoid using Wikipedia and webopedia. All data, information must be accompanying by in-text citation in Harvard Style.

Try to use few case studies. Try to include data and statistical information. Ensure the paragraphs are logically constructed and have flow of information. Avoid disjoint paragraphs.

Leadership traits and communication styles


Need assistance with a literature review of eight scholarly articles.

For this assignment, you will create a brief stand-alone literature review of

leadership traits and communication styles associated with successful change

leadership. Be sure to consider leadership qualities and communication that

will be necessary to gain buy-in from varying stakeholders across an


The stand-alone literature review’s purpose is to organize a summarized

synthesis and evaluation of current literature relevant to the topic of change

leadership. Be sure to identify patterns, agreement, and discrepancies based

Hamlet and Claudius


What is the role that fate and free will play in the literature read in PopLit this year?


Choose 3 pieces of literature to examine..

Write a concise essay to include:
Introduction Paragraph
Make sure to mention the title of all literature (plays, novels) in italics = Hamlet, Iliad, Oedipus the King

Mention all authors’ full names (William Shakespeare is a playwright)
When mentioning character names, do not italicize = Oedipus, Hamlet

Body Paragraphs with supporting quotes
To parenthetically cite the line numbers used in Shakespeare’s work, list as follows in parenthesis: (Ham. act.scene.line).
Ex: Hamlet wrestles with his inability to act upon his father’s murder, as he contemplates “How all occasions do inform against [him] and spur [his] dull revenge” (Ham. 4.4.34-35).
Conclusion paragraph

Incorporating Commentary on a Shakespeare Play


Incorporating Commentary on a Shakespeare Play, 750-1000 words (3-4 pages)

In Twelfth Night, characters wrestle with appearances—how others view their identities based on their bodies, social station, or attire. Choose one character from the play and discuss the rewards and dangers that the character faces when his/her external self does not reflect his/her real identity. Then relate this issue with appearances and identity to a main theme and the resolution of the play. Support your argument using ample quotations from the primary sources (the play) and one secondary resource (an article you locate on our library database). Keep in mind that you must read, understand, and apply what you have learned from the secondary source to your analysis. Simply dropping in a quote from an outside sources will not be enough.

All papers must be word-processed. Double space and use a 12-point standard font. Margins should be 1 inch all the way around the page.

You will use MLA-style documentation in all papers. Every paper will have a Works Cited and will use parenthetical, in-text citations. You must document all secondary sources as well as primary sources.

Human and intellectual resources


Please submit your Weekly Progress Report for Week 6.

Weekly Progress Form Sample

Weekly Progress Form

Prof feedback on week 5

Hi Isha, 1) Can we consider all dissertations and theses available from ProQuest Dissertations &Theses Global scholarly articles for the literature review? As Dr. Campanicki explained, you may read dissertations and theses, but these are typically not included within the references in your Literature Review. You cannot quote the author of a dissertation or thesis. However, you can use these documents to give you ideas for writing your own thesis. Additionally, you can look through the references they used and if pertinent, include them within your paper.

2) Are there limits in the use of academic sources to give evidence for research? No, there are no limits. However, you need to strike a balance of different sources used in developing your paper. You should have a diversity of sources with which to draw upon for developing information in your paper

Conflicts’ dynamics


Hi, I attached part of the paper we have been working on. I need your help proofreading & cleaning up 2 beginning section, I highlighted in yellow what I need help with…

Self-determination theory


Theories often evolve from previous theories. As you noted in Week 2, job characteristics and job enrichment theory incorporate key elements of job/work design theory. In Week 3, you discovered that organizational justice theories emerged from equity theory. This week, you discover that the same evolutionary trajectory occurs as basic principles of cognitive evaluation theory (CET) appear in the broader and more comprehensive self-determination theory (SET).

Organizational psychology professionals might be asked to address issues relating to low worker motivation and failure to achieve goals. Recognizing that most individuals perform work assignments because they have to and not because they want to, Deci and Ryan (2000) suggest workers develop an “active personal commitment” to their job (p. 60). To achieve this objective, these researchers recommend a course in which employees internalize and integrate their values into their work tasks.

For this Discussion, think about the relationship between CET and SDT. Then select a professional or academic goal that you have achieved and consider why you achieved that goal based on SDT.

Enlightenment ideologies and poets’ style


The Romantic poets reacted against the Enlightenment in many spheres of thought. They witnessed the ugly side of urban progress, and favored mankind’s natural state. Instead of viewing the world through the lens of skepticism and reason, they expressed an interest in the sublime experience of nature and the mystic experience of the supernatural. Their art sought to inspire rather than merely instruct. Using quotations from today’s readings, provide examples of all of these tendencies and explain them for the reader.
The writers of the Enlightenment and Romanticism had diametrically opposed worldviews. Which of these understandings of the world comports more easily with a biblical worldview? Explain why.

Integrative Literature Review


Prior to beginning work on this written assignment, be sure to carefully review the instructions for the Final Assignment, which is due at the end of Week Six. In preparation for that assignment, you will list the four required content domains you have chosen for the Integrative Literature Review and provide a minimum list of six resources you intend to use for each domain. For assistance with researching your resources, please view the Psychology Subject Guide in the Ashford University Library.

For the group of resources in each domain, evaluate the reliability, validity, and generalizability of the research findings and provide a rationale for including the group within the domain. These rationales should include descriptions of how the research findings will function together in the Integrative Literature Review.

Please use the format below for each of the four domains.

Name of the Domain: (e.g., Psychopharmacology)
List the complete references for each of the six resources. Format your reference list in alphabetical order according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).

Mankind optimistic


What do you think of the decisions Daru makes in “The Guest”? Were they wise? What might he have done that would have produced a better outcome?

2.Ultimately, is the message of Camus’s “The Guest” positive or negative? Is its view of mankind optimistic or pessimistic? Explain.

Foundations of Christianity


Write a paper that summarizes the main movements in literature that have been studied in each unit. See Appendix A for detailed instructions.

o Requirements: 1,200 to 1,500 words, APA Format

.doc file | APA | Other | 4 pages, Double spaced

Ethnical Diversity and Police Brutality


Draft your section(s) about ethical and diversity issues as they relate to your topic. Consider what section of the paper these sub-issues best fit. There is no one correct section to include this information in, and the information might be in multiple sections. The important part is that you analyze these issues throughout the paper whenever appropriate. This should be at least 1,050 words total.

There really are no resources again this week other than the paper that’s been worked on which I uploaded. I also added some other topics that we can add into the paper that might be of some help. This is what the professor just suggested hopefully it can help.

Electroconvulsive Therapy


Posts to demonstrate quality and critical thinking as noted per the syllabus must be no less than 300 words (not including references). Failure to meet the criteria will result in 0 points being awarded.

Per APA and graduate studies standards, all references must be 5 years or newer and posts are required to have in-text citations and refernces (1 point will be deducted from each post that do not meet the standards). At least 3 references peer review articles within 5 years of publication in the United States of America.


Childhood Obesity


Write a fully developed and detailed APA essay addressing each of the following points/questions. There is no required word count; be sure to completely answer all the questions for each question in detail. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your ideas with at least one (1) source using citations in your essay. Make sure to cite using the APA writing style for the essay. The cover page and reference page are required. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment.

Conduct a literature search to select a qualitative research study on the topic identified in module 1. child obesity. Conduct an initial critical appraisal of the study.

Respond to the overview questions for the critical appraisal of qualitative studies, including:

What type of qualitative research design was utilized to conduct the study?
Are the results valid/trustworthy and credible?

Science education


science Literature Review Assignment Instructions

For the review, choose a different journal article relating to science education, dated within the last 5 years.

For Science Literature Review: Professional Development, select an article related to professional development in science education.

Medication in home-based care


Social workers are admired or idealized for their courage, outstanding achievement or noble qualities. What do social workers have to unearth in order to answer the call to action? What inner resources (or superpowers) do social workers have? What darkness must they push through in order to meet the challenges? Do social workers have a calling? What do they bring to the table? Using the file (Finding Joe) please support or refute this point.

Alignment of Early Childhood Programs


Copy and paste the section below ONLY to submit to 1. What is your topic?

2. What is the APA Style reference, including the DOI, for your chosen article?

3. What is the primary objective of this study? In other words, what was the research question or hypothesis?

4. Provide a summary of the information that was discussed in the literature review (or background) section of this article. This is the section that comes before the method section.

5. What information did you learn in the literature review section that helped you to understand the topic of the study better?

6. In your own words, how was the study conducted? What was the sample and what did the participants do? What did the researchers do?

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