Early research on gender and communication identified several differences between how men and women speak, and investigators suggested these differences were due to the difference in power between men and women. Identify and define three of these differences and explain how more recent research might explain these findings.
Research suggests that violence on TV or in other media can directly increase aggression through five processes. Name and briefly define three of these processes. In comparison, the relationship between violent videogames and aggression is indirect. Describe one of the indirect ways in which violent video games may lead to aggression.
What are three factors that influence group conformity? Provide an example of each.
You must complete each activity by the due date (see the course outline). You must answer each activity question fully using your textbook and powerpoints as a reference. The activity must be uploaded in the appropriate link by the due date. Each question must be fully explored and answered (500 words minimum per question). That is, each question should be 500 words or more.
The final Activity paper MUST be complete by the due date.
Each question MUST be 500 words or more. NO EXCEPTIONS! That is, each question should be 500 words or more. With a total of 2500 word or more.
Failure to write 500 words or more per question will result in a 10-point grade reduction per question not answered correctly. See the course outline for the due dates.
The theory avers that, as negative stereotypes on certain groups exist, the group members are more likely to feel nervous concerning success, limiting their ability to succeed to their total capacity. Notably, the stereotype does not require the user to adhere to it for it to be enabled. The mechanism by which fear reduces success is thought to deplete working memory (Jussim, 2017). This threat is opposite to boost, which occurs when individuals operate differently due to sensitivity to favorable assumptions about their community. Scholars also argued that stereotype threat we desist from considering an element in real-life success differences and have expressed concerns about publishing prejudice. Others have concentrated on addressing what they believe are misunderstandings about early research that showed a significant impact (Madon et al., 2018). Though the hypothesis defies over-simplistic characterization, and studies have shown considerable support for the consequences of this type of threat (Jussim, 2017).