

joy discussion 1

“The collapse of Communism ended the division of Europe and allowed unification to reach into new areas of the continent” (Shubert & Goldstein, 2012, p. 282). Globalization united Europe in a way that could not have happened while communism remained an integral part of their political landscape. They were now able to become an active participant in the global economy. Political and economic implications of European unity included the development of the European Union (EU), which was both a political and economic institution. Countries that entered the EU were required to commit to a political democracy and a market economy (2012). The Euro eventually became the single currency for much of Europe (first adopted in 1999). This act alone simplified travel and border issues making it unnecessary to change up currency from country to country. It did, however, restrict governments from regulating interest rates or value of their currency (2012). Shubert & Goldstein state that “exponential growth in the volume of international trade has been one of the defining features of globalization and to this challenge European economies responded exceptionally well” (2012).

Socially- there was a great influx of immigrants during this time frame that changed up the face of Europe making it more diverse. Refugees were seeking safety from oppression and war torn countries. Poorer citizens looking for employment would move to a more prosperous location within Europe. There was more moving about and freedom to do so. However, Muslims generally found it difficult to be accepted in European culture because of (both) fear and prejudice. Their presence caused concern and controversy among Europeans who were divided on acceptance of Muslims in their communities. Europe was very much divided on this issue.

“Europe speaks with one voice on international economic matters, but on most questions of foreign policy, and especially those that involve military intervention, it is the member states who speak, and they often voice opposing positions” (Shubert & Goldstein, 2012). To this respect, one could say Europe is still divided. The Berlin Wall and all it implied would have greatly contributed to continuing divisions in political and economical matters.

Nationalism and genocide played an enormous role in Europe. The “ethnic cleansing” committed by Serbs and Croats truly matched the hatred involved in the Holocaust. Murder, rape, and torture were all carried out in the name of Nationalism even if that word was never uttered.

The collapse of communism had both a positive and negative impact on Europe. The positive included the discussion above: globalization and all it entailed for the citizens of Europe. There was a freedom of moving about that they had not experienced for generations. Yet, governments faced a choice- proceed cautiously while converting to capitalism or do it quickly by a “big bang” approach (2012). If the former communist states chose the “big bang” method, they experienced unemployment and general upheaval until they regained their footing and this took a long time.


Shupert, A. & Goldstein, R. J. (2012). Twentieth-century Europe. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Joy discussion 2

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“By 2005, Europe’s exports were more than three times those of the United States. Europe also overtook the United States in terms of foreign investment (FDI), becoming the leading investor in the world and this trend has only accelerated in the 21st century” (Shubert & Goldstein, 2012). Europe accomplished this after the fall of communism and it stands as a good example of how its globalization has affected the world economy.

Yet- there was an unexpected crisis in Europe when the transition began. They experienced an economic collapse as inflation and unemployment set in. A market economy changed up the way things were. State-owned and state-protected jobs could not compete in a free marketplace (2012). Basic subsidies that had been provided were pulled leaving poorer countries in basic poverty. Russia and the Czech Republic were hit especially hard. The state no longer provided in such a way as to keep things fairly equal. Some investors and entrepreneurs did very well (2012), but there was a great discrepancy between the rich and poor. Former communist countries struggled to keep up. Agriculture still ranked high for them and they were simply not as sophisticated as those in Western Europe.

By 1990, 51 political parties had registered in Czechoslovakia. Citizens were experiencing new found freedom in the political realm. States and nation states wanted to be recognized independently in their political identities and not clumped in one bloc as they were forced to do within communistic tenets.

Technology makes it so much easier for terrorists to carry out their plans. The simplest thing (like a cell phone) could keep terrorists synchronized in their actions. It is a well-known fact that the Internet has been used as a tool in the radicalization of an individual. Someone across the ocean connects with an individual in another country easily.

Nationalism played an integral part in the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Islamic Extremists exploded bombs on commuter trains in Madrid (2012). The role of religion in these attacks is obvious but so is the nation they claim. The Serbs and Croats induced terrorism all in the name of nationalism. They thought they were the superior people.

Many factors can produce a terrorist. Nationalism can provoke terrorism. Radicalization can produce a terrorist. An individual who feels wronged by the world can become a terrorist. An individual who feels he/she is standing up for those who could not defend themselves can become a terrorist (Timothy McVeigh). These are the causes only the terrorist internalizes.

Europeans have been affected by terrorism in the same way the United States has been affected. Both have been victims of terrorist attacks and this breeds caution. Terrorism is an integral part of European vocabulary as it is in this country. It is a new awareness that affects travel as well as society in general. Safety factors are put in place and citizens are more vigilant.


Shubert, A. & Goldstein, R. J. (2012). Twentieth-century Europe. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint education, Inc.

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Communism is the ideology of owning property together, there is not private ownership. Communism has both positive and negative effects, one of the negative effect it had in Europe was that it had lead to division among the citizens. The end of communism brought about globalization which people celebrate the results even today. Through globalization, Europe was able to take part in the global economy. This united people further and it leads to the formation…
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