company’s strategic and administrative management.

Using APA style, prepare a 500-600-word synthesis paper following these guidelines.

  • First, select a focal point based on the three case studies we have read this semester (From Regional Star to Global Leader, L’Oreal Multiculturalism, and Managing Cross-Cultural Communication).
  • Construct a thesis that makes a claim about this focal point.
  • Support your thesis with evidence from at least 2 of the 3 sources, integrating their material with your commentary. Avoid too much summary – include only enough to explain your ideas.
  • Include the major components of an academic paper, including an introduction (with a thesis statement), a body (with topic sentences for each paragraph), and a conclusion. Paragraphs should be coherent and demonstrate unity.
  • Avoid plagiarism by paraphrasing and quoting the sources appropriately with proper APA in-text and reference citations. Remember that a sentence cannot consist of just a direct quotation (use attributive phrases/reporting verbs).
  • Drawing from feedback from previous assignments, edit your paper carefully.

Your essay will be graded on the following:

  • Essay structure: introduction, body, thesis statement, and conclusion (2 points)
  • Paragraph structure: Topic sentences, support, conclusion, coherence, and unity (2 points)
  • Evidence of proper integration of relevant sources (2 points)
  • Ability to summarize and synthesize sources (2 points)
  • Depth and originality of ideas (2 points)
  • Appropriate grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics (2 points)
  • Use of APA (2 points)
  • Adherence to assignment guidelines, including meeting length requirement (1 point)\
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While investigating the management of cross-cultural communication in construction projects, Ochieng and Price (2009) found the grave need to merge the skills and knowledge of expats and locals for success. Ochieng and Price (2010) note that trust, communication, empathy, and cultural collectivism were essential in building effective multicultural teams. Their findings align with L’Oréal’s successful global strategy and the lessons learned from Jianguo’s experiences as a global leader. Breaking down cultural differences enables multicultural teams. Managers ought to identify and address cultural stereotypes by finely combing organizational policies and acceptable social interactions in the workplace (Ensari, Lopez & Shackelford, 2017). The aim is to make all employees feel at ease to interact and express themselves. Companies need to avoid the tempting tendencies to treat expats as more significant than locals at similar job levels. Such trends often result in a negative reputation for the firm, terming them bad employers or prejudicial and biased.

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