This discussion will force you to think ‘comprehensively‘ about 2 issues. Thoroughly explain your responses as if this was a written exam.
1. Individuals make decisions every day. They make decisions based on their assumptions about the world, only to find out later that the assumptions were incorrect. Can you think of times when you have made a type I error? What about a situation when a type II error was made? Describe both situations and how you know or would describe why they were a T1 or T2 error.
2. Why do studies with good internal validity often have poor external validity? Give an example of a situation where enhancing internal validity might impair external validity. Specifically, how does sampling fit into this?
Requirements: 200-250 words
Answer preview
There are certain conditions of internal validity that, when enhanced, might impair external validity. For example, when the samples used for internal validity have a particular feature, that might result in limited generalizability. To put the studies from internal validity into practice, sampling strategies must be applied to external validity. This means that beforehand, a decision must be made on the sampling participants and sampling frames to be used (Matsuo, Aita, Yamada, Miyata & Yoshioka, 2021). The choice of samples used determines the quality of external validity of samples by introducing biases in the findings.