Computer technology

Consider a technology invented outside of the U.S. in computer or software engineering since 1940.

(a) Describe the cultural and social factors that led to this technology’s “invention.”

(b) Describe how this invention has evolved and influenced the culture of the U.S.

Since the WWW is a sample, you can’t choose it as technology invention.

(min 500 words)

Requirements: 500

Answer preview

Computers play a critical role in improving human beings’ quality of life and making processes more efficient. Each invention has a ripple effect because it triggers people’s quest for further improvement and sets the platform for attaining more progress. Computer technology has taken a long winding path to reach today, and the Colossus computer is a significant forebearer that made the journey possible. Even as more efficient and effective computer technologies are invented, the Colossus will retain its history as the first modern electric computer that users could program completely.

[619 Words]

Computer technology
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