Corporate Performance

Corporate Performance

  1. Identify the main stakeholder groups in your company. What claims do they place on the company? How is the company trying to satisfy those claims?
  2. Evaluate the performance of the CEO of your company from the perspective of
    1. stockholders,
    2. employees,
    3. customers, and
    4. suppliers.
      1. What does this evaluation tell you about the ability of the CEO and the priorities that he or she is committed to?
      2. Try to establish whether the governance mechanisms that operate in your company do a good job of aligning the interests of top managers with those of stockholders.

Answer preview

In a corporation, a stakeholder is someone who supports the business and is also have a claim on it. Stakeholders are affected by the happenings of business either positive or negative. There are two types of stakeholders; the primary stakeholders who are internally and engage in business transactions with the company and the secondary stakeholders who do not involve directly in the business transactions.

Stakeholders Groups in A Company and Their Claims

The government is a stakeholder in a company. They are always concerned about taxation, employment and truthful reporting…

(800 words)

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