Review this article on Corporate Social Responsibility: Freeman, R.E. & J. Liedtke (1991) Corporate Social Responsibility: A Critical Approach. Business Horizons. Jul/Aug91, Vol. 34 Issue 4.
It is tempting to praise the benefits of CSR. After-all, who wouldn’t want to help the community or environment? However, what is the primary purpose of a for-profit corporation?
Using the concepts learned in the required readings, discuss whether a company should attempt to solve the world’s problems, while at the same time working towards a profit for the shareholders.
Outside research may be required to thoroughly answer questions posed.
The video is about adopting corporate social responsibility by companies across the world. In the past, companies that were not socially responsible were deemed the best in protecting shareholders’ investment. Nowadays, socially responsible companies are gaining attention, and more people are increasingly investing in such companies. The video’s main topics are on detecting commitment and responsibility among companies that practice corporate social responsibility. The pillars highlighted are corporate governance, stakeholder engagement, transparency accountability, and time horizon decision making (IOANNOU, 2018). Companies committed to sustainability provide employees and management with incentives for being socially responsible. On stakeholder engagement, the companies are transparent with their stakeholders on the company’s goals and operations. Time horizon decision making refers to the dedication of companies to long-term decisions that are socially responsible. Responsible companies are also transparent in that they collect data and make them available to all people and adopt measures that keep them accountable.