Course Reflection and Commercial

Course Reflection and Commercial

Discussion question/Extra Credit

“Reflection”- 1.5 pages

You have learned a great deal this term! You can now bring so much more to the table as a strategic manager. With the knowledge you’ve gained over the last eleven weeks, you’re also better prepared to contribute to the overall success of your team, project or business.

For this week’s discussion, please respond to the following:

  1. Reflect on what you have learned in this course and program.
  2. Is there anything you would have liked to learn in this class or program that was not covered?
  3. Share three (3) strengths you feel you’ve acquired or existing skills in which you’ve become more proficient over the duration of this course.

You have the opportunity to earn 50 extra credit points. Maybe you need these points or maybe you just want to have some fun completing this extra assignment.

This activity is OPTIONAL.

Rules (no exceptions of any kind):

  1. You can submit the extra credit activity only after all the remaining assignments are submitted (including week 11 discussion)
  2. You must submit by the deadline: Wednesday, March 18, midnight EST under the week 11 Extra Credit discussion thread. Submissions are not accepted after this deadline.

Requirements (you must complete all the requirements below to earn credit).

  1. Write a commercial to advertise your NAB product on TV or radio (0.5 pages)


2. Record a video with you advertising your product.

3.You will post the written text in the discussion window and attach the video recording of yourself advertising your product in the Extra credit discussion thread in week 11.

Note: The points earned will be based on the quality of your response, not just submission alone.

Keep in mind the following as you put together the text for your commercial:

  • your target market
  • what makes you different from other similar products
  • the benefits to the consumer
  • the image you want to create in your consumers ‘minds.
  • The commercial should be short, but effective and something people will remember.
  • Include the slogan you created in Assignment 2 (5 F’s section).
Answer preview

Part 1: Course Reflection

Reflection of Concept Learned in the Course and the Program

There are different concepts that I have learned in the program and course. One of the most basic concepts is developing a strategic plan and a market plan for the communication of different messages. Throughout the program, I have learned how to use different models for the analysis of the internal and external analysis for a specific industry. One of the key concepts is trend analysis in an industry as a foundation…

(600 words)
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