

Please choose one of the following questions:

1. The reading this week refers to the family as the cornerstone of American society. What are the biggest changes in how we define “family” over the last 50 years? According to research, what are people’s general thoughts on family and nontraditional family structures in the United States today? What are the social factors that have influenced this perception of “family?” What can the government and citizens do to strengthen families and marriages in American society? Provide examples to support your answer. Now, critique your answer from the point of view of a functionalist or a conflict theorist.

2. What is credentialism? Is there too much of an emphasis on credentials in the United States? If so, how might this be harmful? To whom? Which theoretical perspective best describes your view of education? Explain why.

3. What is the role of religion in society? In your response, include a comparison of the theories on religion of Marx, Weber, and Durkheim. Has the role of religion in society changed over time? How does this relate to the concept of secularization and the current generational shift in religious affiliation in the U.S.?

meets the following course objectives:

  • Apply a sociological perspective to the social world
  • Analyze contemporary social issues using the sociological imagination and use sociological theories and concepts to analyze everyday life.
  • Describe the family, education, and religion from a sociological perspective.
  • 250+ words

Answer preview

What is credentialism? Is there too much of an emphasis on credentials in the United States? If so, how might this be harmful? To whom? Which theoretical perspective best describes your view of education? Explain why.

Credentialism is the ideology where the formal qualifications either educational or professional, determine whether someone should do something such as a task or represent a particular field. In day to day life, credentials are demanded whenever there is a need to access specific resources either in organizations or the business world. Recently, credentialism has become the aspect in every undertaking starting from job searching, marketing, expansion, and speeches. People and stakeholders have emphasized…

(400 words)

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