Disadvantages and solutions

Disadvantages and solutions

I need it five to six slide powerpoint, plusthe comments that i can use when i present it to the class. I dont need the PowerPoint full of writing, the headings and the important things. plus the comments in the comments section. Thank you.


·  America as a whole is considered to be one of the nations with the best organizations of higher learning. They have over time proven to produce the best people in the different industries. As a result, it is notable that this has attracted a large number of international students that come to study in America. After completion of their studies, it is notable that most of them get job opportunities in the country and begin to work in the country. This group of people has however faced discrimination from Native Americans at the work place (Bista, and Charlotte, 123).

Workplaces Discrimination

·  It has become a worrying trend that in most cases, the rates of discrimination have increased considerably. This is especially against people that are not Americans but have chosen to stay and study in America. There are several lines against which most discrimination occurs and this is true especially for the international students (Bista, and Charlotte, 109)

·  The first main issue is that or race. The students that come to work in America come from many different places on earth. As a result, most come from diverse races as well as cultures that they originate from. This in most cases is not the same with what Native Americans are accustomed to and this often brings up issues. Discrimination based on this basis is common when employee feel that the different person is being given any type of favors in the work place. Items like promotion may bring commotion and increase the discrimination for such international students.

·  The second most common issue to do with discrimination is based on religion. This is also something that many international students differ on with their local colleges. It is notable that there are many different religions that are available in the world. The different religions are spread out in the different geographic areas in the world. This makes most students that come to learn in the United States to have different religions that they follow. This has however exposed them to discrimination that occurs in the workplace since they are seen to be different from the other people. This also makes it hard for them to be able to have the same performance as the other people since they feel that they are treated unfairly.

Disadvantages and solutions

·  There are several disadvantages that come from such events. The first one is that they affect the people emotionally. Being discriminated against often makes people to be emotionally unstable mainly because they feel that they are often treated in an unfair manner. This is true in most cases and it results in the people underperforming as compared to what they would have been able to do. As a result, the company gets less out of these employees than they could have and it also destroys the working relations with other people in the work place (Beaudry, 56).

·  The best solution will first involve the education and sensitizing the employees on the negative effects of discrimination. This will help to make them understand why it is wrong for them to discriminate against fellow employees. Second, it would help to create company regulations on the issue of discrimination. This will give the company a clear and well defined way of dealing with problems that may come up as a result of discrimination. This is also likely to discourage the act in the workplace.


·  All in all, comprehend that discrimination is a bad habit that should be annihilated from the general public with an end goal to ensure that all the general population in the group can work in agreement with each other.

Work cited

Beaudry, Dan.Power Ties: The International Student’s Guide to Finding a Job in the United   States. Boston?: publisher not identified, 2009. Print.

Bista, Krishna, and Charlotte Foster.Campus Support Services, Programs, and Policies for   International Students. , 2016. Internet resource.

Bista, Krishna, and Charlotte Foster.Exploring the Social and Academic Experiences of   International Students in Higher Education Institutions. , 2016. Internet resource.

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