discussion question

discussion question

In your initial discussion post this week present an argument that proposes one change to our electoral system. (Please note, it will not be acceptable to say you do not think any change should be made.)

Several possible changes to could be:

Just be sure to go beyond just stating what change you want to make, but present an argument for why we should make that change and how that change would improve our electoral system.

In your argument, do not use words like “fair” or “good” or “better” or “equal” – how do you measure what is or is not “fair”? What if you and I have different definitions of what is or is not fair (these are not universal terms)?

Requirements: 75 words


Answer preview

One of the biggest flaws in the American electoral system is the use of electoral colleges. While the idea was noble, it is very contentious. In the last five elections, twice the popular vote candidate lost because of the Electoral College system. The most recent example is when Trump became president even though Hilary got more votes from the electorate (Sell & Stiefl, 2021). Swearing in someone who has not won through the popular vote undermines the legitimacy of the election and the concept of universal suffrage. It is, therefore, necessary to abolish the Electoral College system because it ridicules the basic tenets of democracy.

150 words


























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