Effective Management Processes

 Effective Management Processes

Write a three to four (34page paper in which you discuss the single biggest challenge to effective management process and one (1recommendation for addressing that challenge.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Note: You will be graded on the quality of your answers, the logic/organization of the report, your language skills, and your writing skills.

The assignment will be graded using the following rubric:

Outcomes Assessed
Grading Rubric for Assignment 1 — Challenges to Effective Management Processes














1Discuss the singlebiggest challenge to effectivemanagementprocess and one (1recommendation for addressing that challenge.


Did not complete the assignment or did not discuss the single biggest challenge to effectivemanagement process and one (1recommendation for addressing that challenge; omitted key information and/or included irrelevant information. Completed with less than 60% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic.Partially discussed the singlebiggest challenge to effectivemanagement process and one (1recommendation for addressing that challenge; omitted some key information. Completed with 60-79% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic.Sufficiently discussed the singlebiggest challenge to effectivemanagement process and one(1recommendation for addressing that challenge. Completed with 80-89% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic.Fully discussed the singlebiggest challenge to effectivemanagement process and one(1recommendation for addressing that challenge. Completed with 90-100% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic.
2. Clarity


Did not complete the assignment, or explanations are unclear and not organized.
(Major issues)
Explanations generally unclear and not well organized.
(Many issues)
Explanations generally clear and/or organized. (Minor issues)Explanations very clear and well organized.
(Added helpful details)
3. Writing – Grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, or punctuation


Answer preview

Effective management is very crucial within the organizational framework. It ensures that stipulated procedures and steps are followed and thus attaining desirable results. An effective manager establishes a clear direction which an organization should follow to achieve its set goals and objectives in short or long-term. David (2011) posits that an effective manager usually monitors and control employees according to the stipulated organizational policies and procedures. Virtually, there are right procedures which need to be executed to realize the organizational goals, at the same time any outstanding challenges faced along the way need to be dealt with them effectively to minimize cases of loss.  According to David (2011), effective management entails ability of the manager to come up with better strategies which an organization should follow in the process of realizing…


(900 words)

Did not complete the assignment or had 8 or more different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, or punctuation. (Major issues)Had 6–7 different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, or punctuation. (Many issues)Had 4–5 different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, or punctuation. (Minor issues)Had 0–3 different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, or punctuation.
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