Effects of Academic Interconnection Web on Personal Development

Effects of Academic Interconnection Web on Personal Development

This week’s multimedia presentation, “Interconnections, Part III,” http://mym.cdn.laureate-media.com/2dett4d/Walden/EDUC/6005/08/mm/ICS-Part3/ICS-Part3.html  illustrates interconnections among the early childhood field, you, your colleagues, Walden University, and the MSECS program. This Discussion offers the opportunity to review and evaluate this new set of interconnections along with the entire “web” of interconnections, and to consider the personal and professional meaning that some of these interconnections represent for you.

In preparation for the Discussion, consider the following questions:

• In what ways do you feel connected to and supported by Walden University and your colleagues? In what ways do you hope these interconnections will grow?

• Which of the possible interconnections between this course, and your program of study, as underscored in the multimedia presentation, have come alive for you most clearly?

• Which of the interconnections provided you with new and meaningful information about the early childhood field and your role in it?

Answer Preview
My strong connection and support from Walden University couldn’t be better explored without citing the strong attachment and connection between myself and the colleagues and colleagues back to myself…
(348 Words)
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