Efficiency in Training

Efficiency in Training


Cite apa style, read carefully and answer as instructed

1. Blanchard and Thacker (2013) state that on-the-job training is “the most frequently used training method” (p. 225). Have you experienced any on-the-job training? If so, were any of Gagne-Briggs’ Nine Events incorporated into the training? Describe the training and how some or all of Gagne’s events were incorporated. 200WPRDS

Blanchard, P. N., & Thacker, J. W. (2013). Effective training: Systems, strategies, and practices (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

2. You have been asked to develop a diversity awareness training session for managers. This will be the first in a series. The goal of this first session is to introduce the company’s policy regarding diversity and the importance of having a workplace that embraces diversity and inclusiveness. Review the examples of learning objectives in the Writing Good Learning Objectives (I-TECH, 2010) reading, then write two specific learning objectives for the session and discuss why you think they will ensure that the training goal is achieved. 200WORDS


I-TECH. (2010, January). I-TECH technical implementation guide #4: Writing good learning objectives. International Training & Education Center for Health. Retrieved from https://careacttarget.org/sites/default/files/file…


Answer preview

  1. Gagne-Briggs’ Nine Events

Gagne developed the nine levels of instructions that help managers, facilitators, and trainers to apply a step to step approach while delivering and giving directions to their learners. These approaches allow learners to get the most out of their learning experiences (Blanchard & Thacker, 2013). At a personal level, I have experienced some of Gagne-Brigg’s nine events being incorporated in the training that I participated in.  This was during a forum that I attended that was training students on how…


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