Review the Case in Point – Electronic Health Records

Hi there Agneta, another quick and easy discussion. Is literally answer the question related to the book (7 pages read only). The book is attached and below are the questions needed.

Why is attending to the full scope of drivers critical in implementing EHR?

Imagine that the leaders only attended to the first four drivers (environmental, marketplace, business, and organization). What “Level of Success” would likely be achieved if they neglected the required culture, behavior, and mindset changes? Why?

What “Level of Success” and likely outcomes would be achieved if the organization designed and implemented the culture and leader and employee behavior and mindset shifts outlined in the case? Why?

Answer preview

Electronic Health Records (EHR) involves the use of a computer system to capture, store, and share health information. EHR is a technological innovation in the health sector that has come to reduce paperwork in the management of patients and illnesses. This means that implementing EHR is introducing changes in the organization. The drivers change model is important for the effective application of…

(700 words)

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