Question Description: There are 4 sets of questions 500 words each. 500 words per page. I am expecting 4 pages with four different original answers to these questions.
Just question and answers, single spaced
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Moreover, the elderly in palliative and hospice care may choose to end their lives due to extreme pain from their health conditions. In such scenarios, social workers enhance these patients’ autonomy by providing essential information regarding their decision and treatment options they could consider (Bosma et al., 2010). Other instances may arise where the family members may consider euthanasia if they are not stable to decide on their health. With advanced directives from health care management, the social workers coordinate care and help these clients navigate the system as they prepare for the end-of-life moment (Reese, 2011). The family members usually need counseling when bereaved and how to adjust to the new life changes. Hence, the social workers counsel the family and ensure that they accept the loss and move on with life healthily.