Environmental health.

As a nurse practicing within a family practice, you are interviewing a

55-year-old woman who is an executive assistant at a local law firm,

where she has worked for 9 years. She has a 7-year history of

respiratory illness, which occurs several times throughout the year, not

seemingly connected to the changes in season. She does not use tobacco

products in any form. During your questions regarding her home and work

environments, she reports that she enjoys working adjacent to the

courthouse in a building over 100 years old because it is such a

contrast to her brand-new home on a local golf course. When describing

the health of her coworkers, she indicates, “We all share illnesses,

which seem to affect everyone else during the year; we just seem to be

sicker more often!”

Your document should be 2 pages ( NOT MORE THAN 2 PAGES)in length, in APA format, typed

in Times New Roman with 12-point font, double-spaced with 1” margins,

and include at least two citations using references less than five years


Answer preview

The exposure pathway for my client is likely to be the workplace, especially the courthouse. My client has been well all along her 46 years, only to get sick two years after working in the company. Similarly, workers are stated by my client to be all sick, they all share the illness which appears to affect all the workers during the year, an indication that the cause of the pollution causing the disease is from one place, the workplace. My client seeming to be sicker more often shows that the surrounding she is in is more polluted than other areas in the workplace and because she enjoys working adjacent to the courthouse, and she does not smoke, clearly proves that the courthouse is the cause of these pollutions causing the illness.

[694 Words]

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