Epidemiology and Relationship between Nursing and God

The Why of epidemiology and relationship between nursing and God


A. Share how you or a loved one avoided falling into or did fall into one of life’s traps, or how a fallacy nearly led or did lead you or a loved one astray in your thinking regarding God. Why do you think God allowed this in your or their life?

B. Discuss your perspective on how the discipline of nursing contributes to answering the ‘why” of epidemiology? How can we be the hands and feet of Jesus to the lost and suffering in our community?

C. Give an example of how the ministry of registered nurses to advanced practitioners engage in the preventive aspects of healthcare that contribute to risk reduction and disease control.

Background Information

What’s the Why?

When you pass through waters, I will be with you; and through rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. (Isaiah 43:2, NIV)

Disease is an inevitable part of life, and for some communities and geographical locations disease afflicts great numbers of people, whereas in other places, outbreaks are rare. Epidemiologists look at the patterns, causes and effects of specific diseases amongst various populations. The community is not restricted to societal domains, but is very close to where many of us may practice in the hospital or clinic settings. Epidemiology affects us all, and it is a public health concern that we all must assume some responsibility in addressing. The healthcare outcomes of our communities are of interest to all of us. It is through epidemiological practices that we are able to answer the question of “Why?” Therefore, in answering this question of “Why,” it takes all of us to improve the healthcare outcomes of our communities so that we do not become consumed by the imperatives of treating disease, without creating systems for control and prevention. Those affected by various diseases are reliant upon the knowledge of those in the healthcare arena to be proactive in discovering the root of disease outbreaks. Our attitudes must be that of oneness and community so that no community feels as if they are alone in their efforts to control risk factors and prevent disease outbreaks and community epidemics. So be of good courage to know that there is no depth of circumstance that we ever have to face without God.

Answer preview

How a Fallacy Nearly Led a Loved One Astray In Your Thinking Regarding God

            There are several fallacies associated with Christianity, and they may impact peoples’ belief’s regarding God. One of my loved ones nearly went astray due to a fallacy which claims that Christians force their beliefs’ on others. However, this fallacy is wrong is Christians tend to believe that one should be free to choose the Christian religion…

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