Ethical consideration.

Based on Facebook-Cambridge Analytic “scandal”

1-) Ethical Decision-Making Framework: choose one framework to ground it tour the decision-making. Will you use deontology, consequentialism, a virtue ethics, or a combination of the three.

2-)Why did you decide to you use this ethical framework?)

For example, if your ethical theory is consequentialism, your will need to determine the consequences of addressing or not addressing the ethical issue on various stakeholder groups.

– 2 to 3 pages, double-spaced (font 12, times new roman)

– properly cited information

Answer preview

I chose to use deontological ethics because it defines what is right or wrong. The theory is not bound by any law that can be contradicted by nature.  Ethical actions in this category follow the natural moral law.  For instance, if the natural law dictates that Facebook. Com should disclose the privacy of its clients, and then it expected not uncover privacy.  Deontology is a simple ethical rule to apply because the individuals, companies, and governments are required only to perform their duty. In this case, it is the ethical concern of the Facebook Company to address the issue of exposure of their clients’ personal data to Cambridge Company because it’s a moral obligation. Furthermore, after the emergence of the scandal, failure to address the issue will be immoral because it goes against the code of conduct of the company and denying people their privacy through sharing the data without their consent.

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