Evidence based practice paper-diabetes

Evidence based practice paper-diabetes

Evidence-Based Practice Paper

In this evaluative paper, you will examine the nurse’s role in promoting health and wellness for patients across the lifespan and the use of evidence-based practice in planning care. In the first part of this paper, you will discuss the roles and responsibilities of the nurse in relationship to health promotion, risk reduction, and disease management. In the second part, you will discuss the disease and use evidence from scientific literature to support your conclusions for care of the patient. You will select one disease that affect two different age groups for your topic. You will use at least three evidence-based resources to support your work, at least one must be a peer-reviewed journal article.


  • All of your work must be supported with evidence using multiple resources. Acceptable resources include your textbook, peer-reviewed journal articles, practice guidelines, and information from experts in the field such as organizations like the American Heart Association or American Nurses Association.
  • This paper should be 4–5 pages in length not including the title and reference pages, using New-Times Roman, and a 12 point font.

Part 1:

Discuss the responsibilities of the nurse related to health promotion, risk reduction, and disease management. The incorporation of evidence-based practice is a professional responsibility; explain the benefits and strategies for its use. Give examples and details.

  • How does the nurse use the nursing process to plan care to promote health, risk reduction, and disease management?
  • Explain the benefits of using evidence-based practice in planning nursing care.
  • Discuss strategies for including evidence-based practice in planning nursing care.

Part 2:

Choose one disease from any of the units in this course (or two diseases that impact two age groups) and compare the evidence-based pathophysiology, diagnosis, risk factors, and treatment as applied to patients of different age groups. You must use evidence from appropriate resources to support your conclusions on care for patients of different age groups.

APA Guidelines

Use APA 6th edition style formatting guidelines:

  • Include proper APA 6th edition citation of at least three evidence-based resources to support your work; at least one must be a peer-reviewed journal. Web sources or other sources will not solely suffice. Your paper should demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and mechanics.
  • The paper should include a clearly identifiable thesis statement and discuss a minimum of three points which support the thesis. For this Assignment, your thesis should be related to the treatment of the disease(s) you have identified.
  • The paper should be very well ordered and each paragraph must have a strong internal organization. Transitions between and within paragraphs should be clear and a sustained point of view should be followed. Your writing style should be appropriate to the Assignment, fresh (interesting to read), accurate (no far-fetched, unsupported comments), precise (say what you mean), and concise (not wordy).
  • Include a title page and reference page and make sure your writing is free of serious errors. Grammar, punctuation, and spelling should help to clarify the meaning of your paper by following accepted Standard English conventions.
  • Citations must follow APA 6th edition guidelines. Remember: You must cite at least one peer-reviewed journal article and use a total of three evidence-based resources.
  • Resources for APA and writing help:
  • Review the paper for grammar, spelling, and APA formatting
  • Make sure you have followed the directions in the Syllabus for labeling your work.


you are required to have at least three evidence-based resources, one must be from a peer-reviewed journal. Acceptable evidence-based resources include your textbook, peer-reviewed journal articles, practice guidelines, and information from experts in the field such as organizations like the American Heart Association or American Nurses Association. This does not include Mayo Clinic, Healthline, or other sites intended for the general population to read.

Answer preview

Diabetes is a chronic illness in which the body’s ability to use or produce insulin is inhibited. There are two main types of diabetes that are commonly present and affect two age groups, type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes occurs when the pancreas experiences problems with the production of insulin and its common in children and young adults between the ages of 14 years to 40 years of age. Type 2 diabetes involves the inability of the organs in the body to use insulin, and it’s often diagnosed in senior adults of the ages 45 and above. Although the treatment remedies for both types of diabetes are similar in children as well as older adults involving insulin therapies, their diagnostic processes have a slight difference based on the type of tests conducted.

Part 1: The Role of Nurses

Nurses in healthcare play the role of promoting health among their patients by using the nursing process to plan care. Therefore, to promote…

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