GVV II Reflection – Ethical Leadership and Success?

GVV II Reflection – Ethical Leadership and Success?


Take the “Personal Professional Profile“.  Answer all the questions honestly.  In the first part of your Reflection Journal address the following:

  1. What was your response to Question 8?  Did the category you placed yourself in surprise you?
  2. What was your response to Question 14?  Share what you believe is a definition of business purpose and how it relates to the GVV frameworks and your future career.

Read the Marsh article, “Business Executives’ Perceptions of Ethical Leadership and Its Development” in eReserves and address the following question:

  1. Which of the types of experiences Dr. Marsh finds in her study impact individuals becoming ethical leaders have you had?  Which of these, if any, might have influenced how you responded above to your approaches and ideas about values in the workplace?  (If you have not experienced any of her findings, reflect on two that you think would make a difference for you?)

Read the GVV II Reading titled “A Personal Struggle with Success“.  Think hard about the situation faced by this Executive and how his views on values in the workplace were shaped over his career.  Answer the following questions related to this executive’s experiences and how they impact your thoughts.

  1. What do you think of his view that “The higher I’ve gone in my career, the more limited and pressured I often feel with regard to my values.”? Do you agree? What are the implications of this perspective for you?
  2. Finally, the important question he asks at the end of this reading:  What kinds of changes may be necessary – at the systemic (societal), organizational and personal levels – to support those who want to succeed in business and still be consistent with their values?  Use the GVV and any other theory frameworks we have studied to address this question.  Be SURE to address the three different levels of analysis in your answer.

For each of the 5 questions assigned (each worth 10 points), grading will be on following criteria:

For each question the point columns in the associated grading rubric are as follows:

Superb – All criteria performed at very high level

Very good – All criteria covered but very minor issues

Good – All criteria covered but minor issues

Weak – Some factors covered fully, some factors significantly missing

Poor – Most factors only covered partially or not at all



Answer preview

Question 1

I characterized myself as an idealistic person in question eight. An idealistic person is one who is mainly concerned with moral ideas whenever they are making a specific decision to act (Roberts & Bazalgette, 2018).  I recall a day when I was faced with a situation that I was required to make a tough decision for the company. The company needed to upgrade its technology for better and efficient operations as well as enhancing customers’ experience, which had gone down. The company had started receiving many complaints from different clients over poor services and delays, which was mainly due to the old system the company was utilizing, which needed to be upgraded. Tenders were issued to some of the potential companies who could handle such a situation and had the required experience and know-how. The owner of one of the companies was a close friend of mine and wanted me to offer him the tender even though his company was not as well experienced and have the right resources required as others. He wanted me to issue him the tender on a friendship basis other than on a competitive basis. Also, he was promising to cut the cost to almost half the price of other competitors. This…


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