Students will select a psychological disorder and examine how that disorder is viewed in different cultures. Students must explain the psychological disorder, including how it is conceptualized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5; American Psychiatric Association, 2013), and compare and contrast how this disorder is viewed in at least two cultures (one of which may be US culture). In addition to the required peer-reviewed sources, students may wish to include information from non-scientific sources, such as news or social media sources.
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The exact causes of social anxiety disorder are unknown, but it is widely agreed that it results from negative experiences. Adverse experiences like bullying and abuse during childhood can make a child isolate, and this ultimately contributes to social anxiety disorder. Serotonin is one chemical that is believed to cause social anxiety disorder. Serotonin is a chemical found in the brain, and it is responsible for regulating moods. When the level of the chemical is not right, then it leads to the disorder. The researcher also believes that the disease runs in families. Even though the researchers are yet to determine whether genetics are responsible for the disease, they have noted that children of parents with the disorder often have the condition. An explanation for the inheritance of the disorder is that it is learned. Children growing up in controlling and overprotective environments have high chances of having the disease.