Please locate a real estate related current event, news article, or other related material. Additionally, you may also attend an open house, a broker’s open, or meet a real estate professional at a social event. For this assignment, please provide a brief paragraph detailing what the article or encounter meant to you.
Please include the following in the reply box below:
Provide at least a single paragraph explaining why you chose this article and what it means to real estate today. What did you learn from the article?
For an open house, briefly describe what was discussed in a paragraph or two and explain if you would follow their business style. Why or why not? What would you change?
Requirements: depending on the questions
Answer preview
She noted that the level of engagement from the customer often informs her of their seriousness in purchasing the house. She also noted that understanding the customer, for example, their family size, jobs, and hobbies was crucial in identifying their needs even before clients verbalized them. This information is what she uses in her sales pitches. I would implement her business style because it shows value, respect, and interest in the wellbeing of the client and not just in closing the deal. I think such a strategy would have long-term