food aid

3 paragraph discussion

FOOD AID (no video): Should Food Aid come with “strings attached”? Write a response using ethical theory(ies) for support on your stance. You could consider coercive power, food aid dependence, agricultural/economic development, political motivations, etc. The Main Point is to apply ethical theory to the issues you chose to discuss – do not simply discuss the issue. Include 3 references (paraphrase or direct quotes from 3 difference sources) used in support evenly for all theories being applied. no video or Pp citation must be reputable, peer-viewed sources and it must help you explain or define the theory itself.

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Many countries especially those from the developing countries depend on the superpowers for help and aid. One of the grants that they are given is that of food aid which includes the giving of food materials to the lesser abled countries. However ethically it is a concern on whether that food aid should come with strings or conditions attached to them…
(400 words)
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