

Country Paper

While a major goal of this course is to illustrate the many ways in which the world is becoming more similar and interconnected, we also will examine the heterogeneity and disconnectedness that still exists around the globe. One way that we will illustrate this is through the country paper assignment. Through this paper, you will explore how globalization has (or has not) affected a specific country’s economic, political/regulatory, culture/communication, ecological and demographic environment and speculate (based on specific research you conduct) on globalization’s effect on the country’s future in the next 5-10 years.

  1. (1) Introduction – This section should identify your country, its geographic location, and provide a thesis statement that frames the main

arguments of your paper.

  1. (2) Economic Dimension – This section should describe your country’s economy and economic institutions. For example, how effective are economic institutions such as the country’s stock market? How big is the economy? What does it produce? How wealthy is it (in quantitative terms)? How equal/unequal are incomes among the population? How much money does the country receive from foreign sources in the form of foreign aid, foreign direct investment, remittances from the diaspora, etc.? How globally connected is your country’s economy to other countries, and what factors have encouraged/discouraged that global integration? Would you conclude that the country has relatively high or relatively low transaction costs, and why? [In this section, and in most of the other sections, please compare your country to relevant other countries to make these numbers more tangible.]
  2. (3) Political/Regulatory Dimension – This section should describe the country’s political and regulatory system, including its political institutions. For example, how “free” is it? Is it considered a fragile or failed state (and on what basis)? How would you describe the strength of its regulatory system for doing business? How strong is the country’s Rule of Law? How much corruption is present? What are some of the factors that have shaped the political and regulatory system in this country?
  3. (4) Cultural/Communication Dimension – This section should describe the country’s national cultural norms and values. For example, what do the Hofstede measures tell us about culture and communication in this country? (Note that some countries may not have been studied using Hofstede’s dimensions; in this case, substitute other observations about the country’s culture.) How do people communicate in this culture? Are there particular ideologies that predominate? What factors have shaped the culture and communication environment in this country?
  4. (5) Ecology Dimension – This section should describe your country’s ecological strengths and challenges. For example, what factors have shaped the ecological assets in this country? Has globalization threatened these assets? If yes, why – and if not, why not?
  5. (6) Impact of Globalization on Workforce Demographics – This section should describe the age structure and migration experience of your assigned country. For example, how have the population pyramids changed for your assigned country between 1990, 2000, 2018? What is predicted for the country’s population pyramid for 2025? 2050? How many people are coming into this country versus migrating out of the country?
  6. (7) Globalization’s Future Impact – Based on your outside research about your country, how do you think globalization will continue to impact your country in the next 5-10 years? What will be some of the major trends to follow? How will this impact the world of work in your country? Use your creativity and critical thinking here, and provide at least four specific conclusions about the impact of globalization on your country—now and in the future.

SIDE NOTE: The country paper should comprise 15-20 pages of text (Times New Roman 12-point font double spaced, 1” margins). You may embed tables/figures/charts/photos in your paper, but the total text (minus these visuals) should equate to the 15-20 pages of text.


  • Globalization
  • Trade
  • Taxes, Tariffs, Non-Tariff barriers
  • Absolute vs Comparative Advantages
  • Imports/Exports
  • Institutions (Laws and Regulation)
  • Culture, Social norms, Values
  • Corruption
  • Demographics and Population Pyramids
  • Immigration
  • Agreements with the IMF, WTO, and the World Bank
  • Income Inequality
  • Income Per-Capita
  • Explicit and Implicit Context (regarding communication)
  • Infrastructure, manufacturing, and Human Capital



Answer preview

Ghana is a country in West Africa along the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Guinea. Burkina Faso borders Ghana to the North, Togo to the east and Cote D Ivoire to the west. The country capital is Accra designated at the Atlantic Ocean. The country has six other cities with significant commercial activities. The Cape Coast is one of the historical cities used for administration by the British before moving the capital to Accra. The country covers an area of 238,535 km². According to the World Bank (2017), the country population is 28.83 million. The country gained independence in 1957 and compose the former Gold Coast majorly. Trade and globalization have played a significant role in the economic development of Ghana.  According to Yenu (2018, Sept 25), the country natural resources such as gold, cocoa and bauxite and the presence of established human capital has contributed to the expansion in the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). However, the rate of poverty in the country remains low, and it is not reflected in the significance of these natural resources. Currently, it’s considered as a middle-income country. In 2017 the country GDP was 47.33 billion USD compared to Kenya reporting a 74.94 billion USD the same year. Other countries like Mongolia in Asia have a GDP of 11.80 billion USD. However, compared to the largest economy such as the US with a GDP of 19.39 trillion Ghana is yet to achieve the 21st-century economic development potential.

Ghana political environment accommodates investment from developed countries. According to Barthel, Busse, and…


(5500 words)

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