Two page essay and one page of two question.

1.Essay(2 pages, 10 points): In Chapter 3 of The Globalization Paradox, Rodrik points out that free trade is no natural process, but does have some good arguments. How did Henry Martyn, in 1701 argue that free trade would bring great benefits? Today, there is widespread apprehension about free trade. Rodrik points out that even when tath free trade, there are also some who lose. Which groups tend to gain and which groups tend to lose from free trade? In the U.S. today, what does Rodrik think the redistribution effects of more free trade would be like? Explain.

Research(5 points for #2 and 5 points for #3)

2. Define the following concepts of globalization: hyper-globalism, moderate globalism and internationalism. What is unique in each view(how do they differ)?

3. What were the Corn Laws in England? Why was it important that the Corn Laws were repealed?


Answer preview

Part 1: Globalization

In the concern of globalization, companies, nations, and investors have increasingly shown the need to practice in free trade. Free trade allows companies within different countries to carry out business with fewer restrictions to entry into any of the given markets. It has also been associated with bringing about various benefits as elaborated by Henry martin. Such benefits are at the national, company, and workers level. However, there are also losers and…


(1100 words)

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