Health Administration Nursing

This week’s writing assignment will consist of the following:
Use any Internet search engine to locate and report on one program of research. Include an explanation to the following questions in your response: [This essay should be no more than 400 words in length. Include your link in your response.]
1- What is the focus of this program?2- Whom does it help?3- In your opinion, does the funding justify the program?4- Who are the key players/researchers?
Answer preview
The collaboration between the VAH research program has contributed to significant milestones in researching various aspects of veterans’ health. Similarly, students and those aspiring to be nurse researchers in veteran health have been supported by the program through funding their research studies and training and fellowship programs. Struwe et al. (2018) posit that the government, through various agencies and departments such as the department of defense, has contributed to the success of the VAH program of research.

[538 Words]

Health Administration Nursing
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